How to get emancipated in Arizona

im 15 going to be 16 in january. my boyfriend and I are going to have a kid. and I just want out of here. :/ any advice ?

Please do not diss, love is love. there was not an intoxication, there wasnt any he fucks me and then leaves. hes here, he wants the rest of his life with me. were mature, more mature then most. we deleted our a social site’s and we live for eachother, weve been together for almost 4 years, and everythings just the way it was.

so please dont send rude comments, be a little mature, and just help a girl out.

Answer #1

Trust me, trust me, TRUST ME, you are GOING to want your parents’ help in this. If not for the simplest thing as wanting Grandma to babysit so you can do some laundry and take a nap. You don’t want to alienate your child from your parents. If it’s because they’re angry with you for getting pregnant, then DUH, of course they’re mad! You’re FIFTEEN! Your parents can help you emotionally, physically, and offer irreplaceable and invaluable advice. You need them more than you can comprehend. You can’t be emancipated unless you have proof you can support yourself financially, provide a roof over your (and your baby’s) head, and are responsible. Getting pregnant at 15 does not demonstrate responsibility in the eyes of the court. You also have to prove that your parents show a callous disregard for your safety and well-being; that means they severely neglect you or are physically abusive.

Answer #2

A lawyer must file an emancipation petition on your behalf. You will appear before a judge to present your case (your legal guardian(s) will be given the same opportunity), and the judge will or won’t grant you emancipation after explaining your legal responsibilities after being emancipated.

I will not judge you at all… my wife and I adopted a 16 year old girl who emancipated herself from drug-abusing parents. Everyone’s situation in life is unique. I would only tell you to make this decision only after careful consideration of your responsibilities as a legal adult once emancipated.

Good luck young lady.

Answer #3

Whether or not he loves you and plans to stay with you forever is irrelevant.

Being pregnant is not a good enough reason to warrant an emancipation.

Answer #4
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