
Ok so I dont know what is considered abusive indenver colorado. My mom hits me whit a broom when she cant find anathign else and my dad hits me whit this th=ick cabel! I;ve had enuff of it!! I wan to do something but is just that I have other sibilings that nothing happens to them and I dont want them to get involved in this! I want to kill myself because I rather not exist than get hit so hard over and over! I dont have any famely members that can take me so if I report I probobly have to go to a foster home, I’m 14 and I have a long way to go. Or atleast it feels like it!!! What fo I do!

I’ve gone depresed and I just cant! Can I just go and not come back I mean my perents dont care and this boy ofered me a job, he hasent told me but he has alredy started paying me, so I think is a gud deal! Plese help!

Answer #1

Yes you should definitely tell someone that you can trust and that you can stay with. I have abusive parents to and when you try to get away it doesnt get any better. My parents went and found me when I ran away and then took me home to a pretty bad beating. If you can tell the cops they can help you get out of that situation. Also get a real job. You shouldnt trust someone that just pays you ahead of time like that. Please try to get out of there and do it before your parents get your siblings involved. No one deserves to be abused no matter what kind of person they are. I want you to know that you aren’t alone and there arre people that will help you. Good luck with everything I hope it all gets better for you!!

Answer #2

If you report it, you may or may not go to a foster home. It depends on a lot of things; it’s not automatic. Usually, social services try to work things out and keep the family together, if they can.(My Mom is a social worker ^-^ ) But you should call and report what is happening. It might scare your parents enough to at least keep them from hurting you. I hope it works out. God Bless you and watch over you!

Answer #3

Well first I would advise against the job. Paying in advance is not a good sign for a girl your age. probably means he wants something… more. The police are the way to go with this. if your being abused then call the police or if you trust them, your school counselors though I would go with the police. get a friend to drive you or if no one can call from their house. even talk to your friends parents. they may help you with the police. if you don’t have a friend then going to the police station may be your best bet. the main thing if your being abused is to get the police and tell them you are being abused and can’t stay at home anymore. you don’t deserve it no matter what and you should get out of there.

Answer #4

ii live here iin denver colorado and you can tell somebody at school and like taffeta said it depends on a lot of things…but you need to tell somebody hun! your parents shouldnt treat you like that at all! no matter what! its not right you dont deserve that you werent asked to be brouqhht iin to this qod dam world!! they can get child abuse charges and probaly qet all the kids taking kus there abusing you!!

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