Parental lockdown

Im 20 years old and in college and my mom wont let me do any as a child never went to parties or movies with my friends now when I want to go somewhere she ask a thousand question I do everything in the house tak care of my three little sister cook and clean im ready to move out. How do I tell her

Answer #1

be like im ready to be on my own now im getting to old to be living a teenagers life and I need my space. you need to treat me my age and let me have my freedom and let me go and let me live my mistakes and live my succeses because if I dont live those and I have you protecting me then I wont live at all, I will be under a bubble and right now I need to learn what it is to be my age. ya I may make mistakes but I need mistakes to learn so I become smarter im thankful for all the knowledge you have given me through out the years, and now its time for me to use it and to find out what the world is like, I will keep in contact and talk to you, and even invite you over some days but I need my space now and somewhere to myself!

try that it will be hard no matter what but I hope I helpd

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