Parents & Family Questions

  1. When my dad sleep walkes what should we do?
  2. Why do my parentts trip aout everything?
  3. What should I do after I've failed at being a good daughter?
  4. How to leave home?
  5. Why did my mom ditch me?
  6. How should I support this?
  7. What if I am pregnant and my parents give me the parental consent?
  8. How can my mom get my boyfriend arrested ?
  9. How can I move out at 16 in NC?
  10. what can I do to convert my mum into my friend ?
  11. How do I get my mom to leave my step dad because he's mean to her?
  12. How do I tell my mom I have a boyfriend?
  13. How to convince Mom to call a laywer after accident?
  14. How can I stop Dad and Brother from drunk driving?
  15. How can I get my parents to let me stay up late?
  16. Why are parents so mean?
  17. Why don't I fit in with my family ?
  18. How to help my girlfriend who is physically abused by both parents?
  19. What should I write to her to see if she's my birth mother?
  20. How to convice my dad to let me get a puppy?
  21. What do I say to my younger sister who cheated on her boyfriend?
  22. How can I get my parents to say yes to letting him move in?
  23. Would you stay with family, or leave and be disowned?
  24. Where to find my fiances father with limited money an information?
  25. How can I persuade my parents?
  26. How can I deal with my racist family?
  27. Why do sme kids look more like their father than their mother?
  28. Why am I so mean to my mom?
  29. Why do I always start to cry when my mom yells at me?
  30. How do I tell my mother that I want nothing to do with my Stepdad?
  31. How do I tell my mom my breasts are budding?
  32. What should I do, skipping school?
  33. How can I leave without making my stepdad mad?
  34. How can I take my mind off this?
  35. Who thinks I should get in touch with my birth mother?
  36. How should I get my CP membership with or without parents knowing?
  37. Can I move out without telling my parents since I am 18?
  38. Why can't I get along with my Mom?
  39. How do I get my mum to say yes to get my belly pierced?
  40. How do I get my parents to move me back?
  41. How can l ask my mommy to get a tattoo on my bday?
  42. What can be done about lazy siblings?
  43. How do I convince my mum of letting me have a puppy?
  44. What to do when you want to get rid of a brother?
  45. Why do my parents treat my brother better than me ?
  46. Why are my nephew's parents such bad ones?
  47. How do I tell her im not what I seemed to be?
  48. How do I tell my mother im moving out the day I turn 18?
  49. How to convince your mom to have a boyfriend?
  50. How do I get my parents to say yes?
  51. Why is my mom such a bitch?
  52. What should I do about screwing oveer my mother?
  53. How do I open my moms eyes?
  54. How to tell my Mom about this phone bill?
  55. What are some ways to convince my parents to let me start dating?
  56. What? information do I need before moving out of the parents house?
  57. Who thinks parents should have a social site?
  58. What can my parents do about my pregnancy?
  59. How do I get my parents to let me wear what I want?
  60. Who thinks I should tell my mom about my brothers?
  61. Why is my sister being mean?
  62. Why is my mum doing this?
  63. Why did your parents decided to give you the name you have?
  64. What are parents thinking?
  65. How do I get my hipacritical mom to be ok with my life?
  66. What should I do about my parents?
  67. What are the steps to moving out of the parents house?
  68. Why does my friends catholic mom think I'm a bad person?
  69. How do I get her to let me hang out with him?
  70. What do I do? I don't know how to tell my parents I'm pregnant?
  71. Who knows if we can move out at 17 ?
  72. How long does his dad need?
  73. What should I do when my sis is being mean to me?
  74. How do I ask my mom if I can have a boyfriend?
  75. What should I tell my uncle?
  76. Why does my mom & everyone get mad if I date a black guy ?
  77. How do you get your mom to stop 'organizing' your things?
  78. why moms be distrespectful to daughters?
  79. How am I supposed to get my stuff back?
  80. How to deal with boyfriend's sister drama?
  81. How to find a sister ?
  82. How can I convince my mom to let me get a pet rabbit?
  83. What do people think of child support?
  84. What if my dad found my pipe?
  85. How do I get my dad to stop smacking?
  86. Why does my family call me fat?
  87. How would I get parental rights taken away from someone?
  88. How should I tell my mom I want to quit band?!?!?
  89. Can you move in with your friend at the age 15 in canada ?
  90. How can I convince my parents to let me get a dog, or a rabbit ?
  91. What do I in a fosterhome..I feel like noone cares?
  92. Why does my boyfriends mum despise me?
  93. What should I do with my sister?
  94. Why are my parents trying to choose my life for me?
  95. How to ask my mom can I go to my first disco?
  96. What excuse do I use if anybody tells to my parents that I smoke?
  97. How should I get my mother to understand me?
  98. How can I get my mom to like me again?
  99. What: my mom won't let me be independant?
  100. What; Is it legall to move out at 16?