What should I do about my parents?

So the other night I went upstairs to have a converastion about a class with one of my friends. I had left my boyfriend downstairs with my dad. On the way back down I heard them talking, and I know its bad but I stopped to listen. My boyfriend asked my dad if he could marry me! But now my parents are acting different. My mom is being a complete b*&^% and my dad is acting all depressed. I love this guy to the ends of the earth but how do I get it across to my perents that im not a little girl anymore and that theyre gonna have to let me go?

Answer #1

You’re not 18 yet, so you’re not exactly ‘worldly’. Legally, you’re old enough to get married, but I think your parents don’t want to see you get married…they want you to have the opportunity to see and do things before you settle down…they don’t want you to miss out on all that’s ‘out there’.

You’re just seeing two different reactions to the frustration of knowing that they can’t really stop you, if that’s what you want…but they also know it’s not the smartest thing for you.


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