How do I tell her im not what I seemed to be?

Ok so I don’t know if im bi or not yet but if I am how do I tekl my mom im bi. My whole family well except my mom are always making fun of gay people and so im affriad. I know people are always asking this question but I really need help with this, im 14. If you cant answer my question than please dont comment.

Answer #1

Wait until you know for sure. I went through almost the same thing 10 years ago when I was in ghigh school and it turned out I wasn’t bi or gay. I figured it out shortly after graduation. I was going through a phase - even though I just KNEW it wasn’t a phase at the time. Get to know yourself. Please wait until you know for sure. And don’t listen to the people who tell you it is just a phase. Only you can be the judge of that. Good luck!

Answer #2

If you don’t know ‘yet’…then why announce it?? If it’s simply a phase, why put yourself thru all that?


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