How can I persuade my parents?

Well, you see… My bike got destroyed by some idiot, and I need to get another one. I have been looking on kijiji and craigslist and founds some fairly decent offers… the next step is that I need to get my parents to buy a bike for me. I’m totaly broke and can’y buy it myself… Any tips??

Answer #1

I see you recently turned 13. Happy Birthday!

At the age of 13, you would be old enough to take on a bit of responsibility for earning at least some of your spending money. Ask your parents and relatives if you can do some extra work for them (not simple chores, but EXTRA work). And if they say yes, be very grownup – meaning please work hard, say “yes sir” and “no sir”, and don’t take a lot of breaks. Keep track of the hours you are ACTUALLY WORKING (not the total hours you are at their house, but the hours you actually worked!). If they decide the amount to pay you for your work, then smile and say thank you (whether you think it’s enough money or not). If they ask you how much your work is worth, tell them $5.00 or $6.00 an hour. If they pay you more than that, again, smile and say “thank you” then take the extra money.

Tell them from the start that you need to replace your bicycle, and that’s the reason you need to find extra work. DO NOT complain to them about your parents not replacing your old bike; this is YOUR responsibility, not your parents’.

FINALLY, ask your parents permission before you accept any job – especially if the person is not related to you.

Following this plan will earn the respect of not only your parents, but the people who hire you as well. If you work hard, you will have future offers for additional work. This way, you can have the bike of your dreams PLUS earn everyone’s respect. Everyone wins!

Answer #2

What you can do is this:

Tell them that really want another bike, and tell them the reasons that you need it. If they see how much you need/want one they might get it for you.

Next just say that you dont think its fair that you shouldnt be able to have a bike just because some kid destroyed it.

Show them the low price you found one for and tell them you can pay half for it, (over time, up front, or out of your bank account,; whatever you can do) most likely your parents see that you did research on it and theyll see how much it means to you!

if you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Answer #3

well, I would try to make my parents feel bad about the loss of my bike or annoy them by always asking for A ride so they’ finally buy you a bike.

Answer #4

this wroks for my perents:

1)wait till they’ve had a few beers then ask them 2)make a deal…if I can get ill for a week 3)wait till there in a VERRY good mood

  1. if one parent is more easy going then ask them first

well thats ways I convince my parents hope it helps :)

Answer #5

can you get the guy/girl who destroyed your bike to pay for it?

if you want, you can ask your parents to loan you money to buy for it. pay them when you already have money or work for it (chores, etc).

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