What should I do with my sister?

She being really mean I just cant stand her sumtimes!! All she does is brag and brag until it drives me nuts and yell at her. Im 14 and I have a 12 year old sister. Shes a major brat and thinks shes better than me. Which is not true since she noes im the skinner, prettier, more athletic one.

Answer #1

Rivalry between sisters…

Okay for starters, you two are fighting for no reason. Its your sister and you have to work this out by being mature about it. Whining and complaining does you no good whatsoever. Talk to her about it, tell her its nice that shes comfortable in her own skin but you would appreciate it if she didn’t boast about herself all the time.

2nd. I can see why shes arguing with you,

. which is not true since she noes im the skinner, prettier, more athletic one.

I would be pretty pissed if I had a sister that was full of herself and always disapproved of me and called herself the better child. Why are you doing this? Comparing yourself to your sister will only cause harsh relationships between the two of you. It doesn’t work like that, you can well possibly be hurting her feelings with these thoughts of yours. Just to add, you can be better at her at SOME things, not everything.

Honestly I have this notion that your being equally mean to her. You two need to work this out, being mean to each other and saying that your better then each other isn’t going to get you two anywhere. Please, just talk with her about this, this rivalry is seriously pointless…

Just want to add, shes 12. Its not like shes exactly mature yet. Give it time, maybe the two of you will grow to see how petty this rivalry really is. I really think you should try and work it out though. Its for the best. Since your the older sibling why not set the example and do the RIGHT thing. Thats working it out with her.

Answer #2

well I think you might be the b!tch your the one thats bragging so before you start pointing fingers make sure your hands are clean

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