Why is my mom such a bitch?

I just starting dating this kid that goes to my school and my mom knows him and likes him, but she wont let me text, call, or hang out with him. She says it’s because I’m too young. I’m 13. Am I too young to be dating?

Answer #1

That lady’s wrong, you’re not a baby. I’m 16 and I already know who I’m going to spend the rest of my life with. He talks about our marriage all the time. We even set the date. May 28th 2011

Answer #2

because your 13 and shes not being a b*tch, your still a baby, her baby she doesnt want you going off with him and doing sexual things and even if you dont do that stuff, shes still worried your still a child so untill youve grown up a bit more you just have to accept her rules and the fact that shes your mum and she loves you and cares about you which is why she makes the rules in the first place

Answer #3

You’re 13? If you were 17 this would be a different issue. Given the amount of pregnant teens on this site, yeah, I dont blame your mother…

Answer #4

She worries about you. She’s your mother, worrying is what mothers do. She may be considered a little over protective, but I wouldn’t say shes a “b!tch”.

Answer #5

Ok no your not but like did she block his #? Sometimes you just gotta keep a secret but if you wanna tlk to tbt dude tlk to him just don’t tell your mom. Put his # in under a girls name or something like that if your mom doesn’t know his # already…

Answer #6

You are only 13 years old! Thats why!

Answer #7

Yesss his number is blockedd. :(

Answer #8

you are kinda young but what she doesn’t know won’t hurt ;)

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