Religion, Spirituality & Folklore Questions

  1. I want some true advice
  2. Magick things
  3. What's with these Christians?!
  4. Why believe in a god?
  5. bible verses that are awesome?
  6. Do you believe in ghosts?
  7. Why, don't people don't believe in god?
  8. Out of body experience
  9. Should the churches be shut down that kicked out members?
  10. Seeing dead people
  11. do God like it when people call other people ugly
  12. Any of you attend church today?
  13. what do you think I should do?
  14. Is it compulsory for everyone to have communion in Catholic Church?
  15. Why Jehova Witnesses don't believe of Jesus Christ as God?
  16. How do I find other Wiccans
  17. I want to become a Wiccan but how do I start?
  18. Krishna and jesus.
  19. Who is the Real Antichrist?
  20. give me your opinion
  21. Can I change my religion as much times as I want??
  22. Something has been troubling me, does god have cajones?
  23. How about those who are not christian?
  24. Does reading bible only help us increase our faith?
  25. Prove evolution
  26. Scientology bedtime prayer?
  27. Why did God make humans with flaws?
  28. Why doesn't God accept gay people?
  29. Reincarnation
  30. Book of fifty names
  31. Free will and suchlike
  32. From stressed to blessed
  33. Would getting tattoos be a sin?
  34. What exactly is Atheism?
  35. Can someone show proof that religion is unprovable?
  36. How to keep practicing wicca from your family?
  38. if you dont believe in god, is that a bad thing?
  39. god..
  40. Anyone willing to adhere to these?
  41. So. Whose an Athiest who enjoys the holidays?
  42. nostradamus/NWO
  43. do any of you have a third eye?
  44. can we love peoples as JESUS did?
  45. Am I still Catholic if I haven't been baptised?
  46. If you were God...
  47. Best way to get rid of a demon???
  48. Maya Calender (Ending of the World)
  49. How can Obama be the anti christ?
  50. Ego is a character flaw
  51. Why is there so much religion?
  52. What are you going to be Thankful for this Thanksgiving ?
  53. what does it mean!!!??
  54. George Washington, not a Christian, so why the fervor?
  55. Quote from the Bible
  56. Christianity Vs Satanism
  57. Does it sound like I sold my soul or something?
  58. WHat points can I use debate that religion is unecessary?
  59. It was me not God!
  60. breaking a hex please help me
  61. wiccan ingredients
  62. am I considered psychic?
  63. Fear of death?
  64. Can someone tell me more about being a pagen?
  65. who here is an atheist and why?
  66. Forgiveness
  67. Sunday School
  68. Eid and Christmas
  69. marriage laws
  70. what does interfaith dialogue mean?
  71. I dont understand god
  72. What is your favorite Christian book?
  73. why do you belive in 12/21/12?
  74. Oppinion: Most inpsirational lyrics for a Christian songs.
  75. What's going on with our house?
  76. Prayer/poem
  77. What is the meaning of life?
  78. The end is near?
  79. Karma doesnt work
  80. Need help with a project.
  81. How come Jehovah Witnesses don't celebrate Holidays?
  82. "Spiritual" experiences for fellow atheists...
  83. is meditation ok for christians?
  84. 2nd coming of christ
  85. Fire spell
  86. Proverbs 2:11
  87. how will we know when jezus will come
  88. Where is polygamy legal ?
  89. Polygamy why share ?
  90. Why is religion so hard for people to understand
  91. Secret door spells
  92. what do you think about this
  93. Question for a Catholic please
  94. What made you believe on God ?
  95. Were there dinosaurs in the Bible?
  96. du you beleive in god
  97. What do you think about Jehovah's Witnesses?
  98. Disproving Evolution?
  99. How can we know that we are saved?
  100. is it a sin for christians celebrate halloween