Who is the Real Antichrist?

Most people says, Jew is the real antichrist. In christians: They dont worship jesus because they are not christian. In Islam: They Don’t believe in jesus, they want to crucifix him. Instead Allah brought him up in the heaven and Turn the leader of people after into jesus like, so people crucified their leader instead.

“eli eli la ma sabaktani” (Aramaic) “Allah Allah la ma taraktani” (arabic in english pronounciation)

Answer #1

The antichrist is a fictional character, just like his nemesis.

Answer #2

well if you believe the bible no one will know.

the truth is there will be no antichrist

Answer #3

The D’Jaal is the antichrist He will be Arabic by birth but he will apear to some muslims as the Mahdi. It is not Jesus in islamic faith that will kill the D’Jaal but the Mahdi. And yes Muslims do believe in Jesus but as a prophet only. They believe that The God has no son.

Answer #4

I don’t know about the islam part..true we dont believe Jesus actually died, but the religion that he was spreading at the time was Judaism. and we think of them closer to us than Christians faith wise so that doesnt make sense. According to Islam, the Antichrist will claim to be a prophet but those who believe in God (even to a minimal degree) will know that hes a fake. I think hes called the D’jaal in Islam. but anyways..Jesus is supposed to descend from the heavens and kill him..and then we die seven years later.

Answer #5

the antichrist, is the antichrist…theres not one you can point out and say oh youre the antichrist…theres people who are like the antichrist, but their not really him, their just like him. more likely it will be a man b/c the antichrist takes on the form of Christ. but htats all I know, thats all anyone knows. only God himself knows who he is.

Answer #6

What are the requirements for being the antichrist?

If the position is still open where do I send my resume?

Answer #7

The anti christ will be of jewish decent, not religion. (according to some interpretation)

Answer #8

Anyone who is “anti-christ”

The rest is baloney.

Answer #9

What about the athiest?



Answer #10

no idea, but I’m suspicious of my mother’s dog XD (nom this is not photoshoped)

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