If you were God...

People are always saying what they believe is wrong with God, so, I thought it would be interesting to hear what you believe that God ought to be like???

What would the god of your choice, be like, and please put a little thought into your answer… if you don’t mind. As you seem to seriously make waves over what you dislike in the real one.

Answer #1

I find the idea of a god outdated, just like the idea of a king. I’d prefer a more representative form of the supernatural.

Answer #2

I dont WANT to believe in a christian God? that’s like saying I dont WANT to believe in santa claus… it’s not about wanting… it is simply the way it is…

:) your idea of a real God silverwings… doesnt make it any more “real” than any other idea…

so yes, people may have an issue with how your perceive things to be… does not mean they have an issue with God… just your God…

again… you seem to have a problem distinguishing between reality and perception… you cannot prove God is what you think God is… you can simply claim to know the truth… and that is what people have a problem with… your perception…

Answer #3


Answer #4

ah silverwings, you still cant prove God is “your” God… believe what you will, but what difference does it make to you what others believe? This is what I cant stand about fanatics… the concept of “live and let live” is simply beyond you…

Answer #5

lol lol lol I was singing or( typing to the lord). I hope that was a joke because even my name can debunk your clame. But I wont deny the fact that your comment was funny.

Answer #6

ah but jester, if we had all knowledge, what would be the point of God then? that’s actually an interesting notion…

Hmm I like the idea of God who is non interfering…

and silverwings… people arent complaining about God… just certain ideas people have about God… they may disagree with what you choose to describe God as…

Answer #7

A representative supernatural would be one in which we elect the demigods who represent us. That way, we can fire them if they fail to do a good job.

Answer #8

I like the universe the way it is: Without one. Let us sort out our own affairs, without any sort of divine intervention.

Answer #9

lol lol lol I was singing or( typing to the lord). I hope that was a joke because even my name can debunk your clame. But I wont deny the fact that your comment was funny.

Yes it was a joke… your sentence structure is what spawned it, nothing more. But… if you believe that a person’s username should be taken as a literal testament to their character… then what does my name suggest to you?

Answer #10

8one day every tongue will confess you are god, one day every knee will bow, still the greatest treasure remains for those who gladly choose you now… (wish you could hear me singing, although its better that you cant or else your eardrums may burst) Silverwings one day…*

Whao… it would appear we have a NEW denomination. Apparently, [jesusismysavior] thinks that [silverwings] is God…

Answer #11

My, my, I hope you have on knee pads…

Whoaaa… thought you were going in a different direction with that one…

Answer #12

And todaly… exactly what would that be??? a more representative form…

of the supernatural???

Answer #13

SO THE POINT OF gOD IS TO KNOW MORE THAN US? if thats is screw it

Answer #14

I thought it captain, but didn’t want to say it… lol

Answer #15

:) lol

Answer #16

more equality

Answer #17

I note I seem to have some how escaped Silverwings’ “cunning trap”. Perhaps my answer didn’t provide enough material to distort into something that supports her worldview.

Answer #18

thinks that [silverwings] is God…

I doubt very seriously if you would like it, if I were…

because I can assure you that I would not be as long suffering, and patient as the real one :)

Answer #19

one day every tongue will confess you are god, one day every knee will bow, still the greatest treasure remains for those who gladly choose you now… (wish you could hear me singing, although its better that you cant or else your eardrums may burst) Silverwings one day…

Answer #20

I think GOD is Perfect! If were god I wouldnt change a thing. You dont really know him or know why he does things but its all about getting to know him. Praying to him with your heart is I think a way of speaking to him. I think it’s all about doing what right, I don’t belive in religion but I don’t believe in just thinking nothing is bad either. I just believe in HIM. I mean know one knows anything for sure. It’s all about FAITH. you either believe in him or you don’t you cant judge him because you dont know…Nobody knows..only he does.

Answer #21

Anyway the lord is perfect now he was before me and will be forever more, I dont want to be god and I cant be its to much work, to love people who dont love you, to give your only begotten son to a world who doesnt even believe you exist. Its hard to imagine the pain he feels, and I dont want to either. so for those reasons among others my god is perfect as is.

Answer #22

if I was god I would stop playing games show myself and actually state wot I want done

Answer #23

I don’t believe that it should, just saying that MY name lets you know who I believe in. But I dont know what your name is about. Care to share?

Answer #24

Okay, well… I don’t think anything is wrong with God. The reason the world is what it is today is because of Adam and Eve. They were the ones who chose to do wrong. And if it wasn’t going to be them, then some other human would’ve. So he decided to punish them and the world they live in, which includes us today. We don’t live in a very good world now, If it wasn’t for the sins of Adam and Eve, we would all live in peace, and a happy world.

Answer #25

the god I would choose is the one we have right now god didnt promise joy without sorrow, laughter without tears, happieness without anger and I cant remeber the rest of the saying

Answer #26

One that isn’t hypocritical, Dosen’t want to be worshiped, he/she would be a balence of all things, one that guided each person down their own personal path without shoving them down one that dosen’t fit. One that dose not descrimnate aginst anyone by any criteria. One that lets him/her self be known without a dout. one that would share all knowledge with us.

Answer #27

How could those who don’t believe in god think there is some wrong with him. That is like saying there is something wrong with the tooth fairy, or the easter bunny.

If there were a god, I like Jesters description. But that is just a fantasy…

Toadaly… Ever the libertarian… lol

Answer #28

It’s interesting to hear what humans would do as God…some want to “elect” god…then there’s the “indivual guidance plan”…like counseling…the assumptions the he/she WANTS to be worshiped…

Somehow, I think if there is a God, he/she/it doesn’t take much notice of the daily petty doings of mankind…Human comprehension tends to be limited, and leans towards individual self-centeredness.


Answer #29

I would have to say that if I were God I would think its important to have a prophet in all of our generations. Reason being I believe that there are very few people who realize that somtimes the sin of man can bring the glory of God. For example the story of Joseph. In the bible all of those who were used to glorify God with the exception of one were by todays standards wicked people. Many of them were opportunist with no respect for others property or life. What does this prove about God, well the first thing is tha the is a loving God and the second he is not afraid of a challenge. But the bible says we will soon have two witnesses who can not be silenced so I guess I need patience.

Answer #30

ty… you could have fooled me…:)

jester… ok, so you want a god that knows less than you do, right?

And phrannie.. you are confused as to whether God is a she/he or an it, right??

and Ty… you might believe in a god, but, you do not want to believe in the God that the Christians believe in, right??

jmahl… that is what I keep hearing…

jester, so you believe that God is hypocritical, and undeserving of worship, and he discriminates.

and toadaly you want a god that you can hire and fire at will, right?


Wonder why noone wants one made of gold or bronze ???

or a fire god, now, that would be something, wouldn’t it ???

Let see, they worship cows in India, and some worship trees, and nature…


But the real God, you have a problem with…

Amazing indeed…

thank you for being honest…

Answer #31

Wonder why noone wants one made of gold or bronze ??? or a fire god, now, that would be something, wouldn’t it ???

…BORING. Try using your imagination for once.

Let see, they worship cows in India, and some worship trees, and nature…

Yeah… they do… and they aren’t dicks about it either –OH THAT’S WHY WE’RE OKAY WITH IT…

But the real God, you have a problem with…

Nope… I have a problem with YOU desecrating the very concept… but still you continue to hide behind that big imaginary ankle of his, as if he’s speaking through you. Well he’s not… you would NEVER qualify. Just for a sense of scale; God would speak through ME, long before he’d EVER considering using you. Maybe that will give you an idea of just how deluded you are…

Answer #32

My life is all the “proof”, that I need :)

NOthing could have changed me from who I was, to who I am now…

but, the REAL THING…

and that is the God of the Holy Bible.

The God of Abraham, Issac & Jacob…

The GREAT I AM… that is written about…

That is spoken about… .

that is revered and worshiped… by Christians, all over the world.

He is the Alpha & Omega, the beginning and the End…

The Everlasting Father,

The Rose of Sharon…

The Prince of Peace…


El Shaddiah…

I will shout his praises, as long as he gives me breath in my body. I will love him and serve him, I will gladly bow down to him, I will exalt him, I will glorify him, I will magnify him, with every fiber of my being… his presence in my life is what I live for, he give me strength, when I am weary, he comforts me, when I am in need, he fills me to overflowing with his spirit. NOthing…nor NOone… could ever persuade me differently… and I pray that one day, you may truly know him too

Answer #33

I’m slipping out of my faith. for my life has not been happy, miraculous, or anything good. all around me I see pain and suffering, so why should I believe in a so-called god? they say “he loves us”. I’m sorry, but that’s just HARD for me to believe. once people start to have abetter life, and they are not suffering, THEN I’ll believe it. for now, if he does exist (Doubt it with all my heart at this moment), there wouldn’t be suffering.

Answer #34

so why should I believe in a so-called god? they say “he loves us”. I’m sorry, but that’s just HARD for me to believe. once people start to have abetter life, and they are not suffering, THEN I’ll believe it.

According to silverwings testimony… you have to be mentally unstable… gullible… oppressed… unimaginative… and dim-witted…

Answer #35

NOthing…nor NOone… could ever persuade me differently…

Nobody is trying to ‘persuade you’ of anything… you are fanatical… beyond help. My main purpose in responding to your insanity, is to make others aware of it…

Simply put, anytime you say something fanatical, psychotic, condemning, or anything similar… I will continue to point it out, and shut you down, just like I always do. Of course, in your tiny little world, you like to label me anti-religion, anti-christian, anti-god, etc. Well you’re wrong. There are many believers (on this site, and close personal friends) that I can talk to amicably about God & Christianity. I am in contact with some highly-educated Christians (PhDs, Masters, etc.) that I regularly talk to, exchange ideas, and learn from. Their LIFE WORK involves studying scripture, and very concept of God. I present information I gather, in the SAME way I received it. Not to crush anyone’s faith… but to make people THINK. If you REFUSE to think, then you aren’t listening…

You don’t listen… then you don’t learn… You don’t learn… then you don’t grow… You don’t grow… then… you don’t matter…

It doesn’t matter how many people claim to be of some Christian denomination… YOU’RE abominable views are dying off from society. And there’s nothing you can do about it. You can’t stop people from thinking, learning, and growing. You can’t use God to intimidate people, because YOUR version of God is a LIE. You can’t condemn people for not believing you, because your version of HELL doesn’t exist.

We are strong in the REAL Lord and the power of his might. Crooked Banshee be gone.

Answer #36

“”jester, so you believe that God is hypocritical, and undeserving of worship, and he discriminates.””

No I dont believe he even exist

“”jester… ok, so you want a god that knows less than you do, right? “”

wrong reread the post I want a God the would share their knowledge

Answer #37

NOthing could have changed me from who I was, to who I am now… but, the REAL THING… and that is the God of the Holy Bible.

Actually, according to marketing, Coca-cola has a trade mark on the phrase ‘the real thing’. Are you saying you were changed by a delicious fizzy beverage?

Answer #38

oooh… Captn… you don’t sound like a happy camper :(

I am very sorry you dislike me sooo…

I wouldn’t know what it would take to please you, not that I am trying to :)

I guess you would like to squish me like a bug, huh?

Since you are trying so hard to with words…

BTW… what did I say to ignite that lava flow ???

One would think that I slammed the door on your tail, or something… :(

(if you had a tail…that is.

I am very sorry that you feel condemned… and be sure that is not my intention,

I am here as a witness to the truth…sorry if that offends you.

Answer #39

lol silverwings, for someone who is supposed to “love thy neighbour” “turn the other cheek” and “do unto others”, you arent really following jesus’s words are you?

implying that captain had a tail (much like the mythical devil I assume)… tut tut, someone needs to go back and read the bible again…

Answer #40

I guess you would like to squish me like a bug, huh? Since you are trying so hard to with words…

Nope… I just wish people like you would dare to think at a higher level. When the Bible says ‘a child-like faith’ it didn’t expect so many people to translate it into simple stupidity.

I am very sorry that you feel condemned…

You aren’t sorry, and I never said I felt condemned. Talk about things that ARE, not about things you WANT TO BE. Assumptions only deepen the hole you’re digging.

I am here as a witness to the truth…sorry if that offends you.

You betray God by bearing false witness… and yes… ‘RELIGION RAPE’ is one of the few things that offends me.

I doubt very seriously if you would like it, if I were… because I can assure you that I would not be as long suffering, and patient as the real one

Like I said… he’d choose ME over you…

Answer #41

Silverwings - From all that you say, “your” G-d loves only those that are just like you…

I don’t believe in “your” G-d because I don’t want to be just like you…

And as far a being a witness to help us accept Jesus as Lord and Savior… just the fact that you developed the idea for this question, posted it and answered with such condemning glee, shows that you aren’t a witness… unless it is a witness for trickery, judgment, and name calling.

I thought that christians were to let the light of Jesus shine through them as a witness to HIS love. In what way did this question do that? You set out to make us look cruel and hateful towards G-d. To say hateful things about the Lord.

Please tell me, how does asking non-believers to rant against the Lord show that you are a shining witness to HIS love? How does your behavior in posting and answering this question show US the love of Jesus?

Answer #42

come on silverwings…

answer my question.

How does your behavior in posting and answering this question show US the love of Jesus?

Answer #43

silverwings - your silence must mean that you agree this question was not asked for the glory of “your” G-d.

What were you thinking? Or maybe SATAN had you formulate this question that would lead others to write criticism of G-d…

My, my, I hope you have on knee pads, because I think it is prayer time…

Answer #44

-For one I wouldn’t claim to love all my children then burn them -If I were to throw people in hell for not being the way I wanted them, I wouldn’t make them the way I didn’t want them to be! -Wouldn’t give the devil permission to torture my children -Since I would be creator of everything I wouldn’t of even created Satan -If I wanted people to worship me I’ld make myself known instead of witting a fricken book in which people could easily slur my words

If I were the devil I’ld create the bible

Answer #45

But the real God, you have a problem with before you claim anything real, prove it first. How do you know he is real? How do you know the bible is the work of God? Here’s a quote I found that might help explain my view on this

If I were Satan, and I were given permission to tempt humanity but had the foreknowledge that God's true followers would try to stop me, then I'd figure that the best way to tempt the most humans would to be to subvert those who could pose a threat. How? I'ld write a book. Not just any book, mind you, but a book more blasphemous, seductive, and evil then had ever been seen by mortal eyes. A book full of deceit, preaching a hypocrite God who imposes a more stringent set of rules on flawed humanity then He does on Himself, yet who is somehow, the source of all morality. Those who don't buy into this twisted logic will be said to be immortal. A book lies, with blatant contradictions, from a flat Earth to cities and places that have never existed to cruel actions taken in the name of God who calls Himself "loving". A book that describes the false God in cynical detail, yet leaves me[Satan] as a shadowy menace, always in the background, always scheming, but no real threat to TRUE followers of the false God, who are completely immune to my powers. Still, I must save my pride, and to do so, I would make it seem as if I were thousands of times more active than God, my forces constantly at work doing evil. They would seem to be constantly winning, yet people would cling to the hope of a false prophecy that involves billions of deaths and the end of the world. A book that is chock full of sex, violence, murder, torment, filthy language, intolerance, and hatred. A book that would be used to justify all forms of atrocities against men, women, and children, including the extinction of entire peoples from the face of the Earth. This book would be so diabolically written that people would drown themselves in it completely, giving up sanity and reality, and then try to pull others in with them. they would hold up human progress and enlightenment, out of their own pride and greed and lust for power. They would prey on the weak and wounded, the suffering and the sorrowful, with false promises of happiness and light. They would behave exactly like me, yet would be too far gone to recognize it. Then when the real God decides it's time to judge mankind, all those people, all the ones who believed my book would come before the true God, expecting to be saved... an He would turn them away. And standing there a the gates of hell would be me, beckoning them to enter.

if the biblical God is real, I’ld rather burn in hell rather than to worship a self absorbed hypocritical dictator!

Answer #46

I kinda think god is within us. So really we are god. That is what jesus explained in the bible. He wanted us to know we have what he had. so did all of the great spirtual leaders. we all are capable of what jesus was, and that’s what he wanted for all of us. the “kingdom” is within us, so is the power of god.

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