Can someone show proof that religion is unprovable?

Well I’ve heard it said nows the test can you show that religion is unprovable?

Answer #1

There is no way to prove or disprove religion. The big bang is a theory, yes. But there is evidence to support it. There is no evidence with religion. Acient texts written by susperstitous people is not evidence.

Answer #2

Double post! Sorry!

Big bang theory claims that before the explosion, there was nothing; no time, no space and no matter. Well the theory is that a unimaginable amount of pressure suddenly appeared from nothing and expanded into the universe… Kinda flawed isn’t it?

And theory of evolution has some major flaws that I couldn’t possibly fit into this tiny box.

Answer #3

Mandyloo, you said everything can be proven by science, just pointing out that you can’t. Cause with every answer there are more questions.

Answer #4

Heres a kinda scenario that explains how to prove god exist. To prove a murder happens you look at the evidence left by the murderer that proves he did it. So in this way people can prove god exist by the evidence of what he has done. I think my question was kinda vague im sorry that did not help for the answers but this is my view on how someone can prove something.

Answer #5

Also Im pointing out different ways to approach research to give broader ideas to people when talking about religion being unproveable again I dont advocate any paticular religion so this is to see the differrent ways people see things.

Answer #6

Well… You can’t exactly prove the big bang theory, just like you can’t prove God creating the world in seven days… All about your up-bringing and what your opinions are.

Answer #7

What evidence do you have of things that he has done?

I dont want to hear, people, the earth, plants, the sun, etc. Those can all be explained by science.

Answer #8


Can you give me factual evidence of God? No? Can I measure God? Can I see it, touch it, taste, or smell it?



Answer #9

There is NO PROOF. That is what I am saying.

You can NOT proove religion, because religion is Faith.

How are you not understanding that?

Answer #10

Religion is unprovable period.

Religion is Faith.

Faith: -strong belief in something, esp. without proof -Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence -Loyalty to a person or thing; allegiance

You can not proove faith.

Answer #11

well, many would argue that they can “feel” god, they can feel his presence. just like many would argue that you can “feel” the wind, but you can’t see it, touch it, nor can you taste it.

then again, I’m not religious, I’m just stating what the other party would argue. =)

Answer #12

You’re demanding some form of rigorous, conclusive proof, but you haven’t defined your terms. Give us a rigorous definition of ‘religion’, and then we can show you that it’s not provable (or more to the point, it’s not disprovable).

It’s important to know that we don’t prove scientific theories. They make predictions, which we can test. If a theory consistently makes useful predictions which turn out to be right, we accept it as a valid explanation. If its predictions are wrong, it’s disproven. But a scientific theory is never conclusively ‘proven’ - that would imply that if you found contradictory evidence, you would still assume it to be true.

Answer #13

prove based on the stated facts within religions scripts and also to show whether they are true.

…which religious scripts are ‘stated facts’ ??

Nobody can prove religion, and nobody can disprove it.

(Evidence that supports a person’s beliefs, is NOT the same thing as PROOF.)

Mandyloo, you said everything can be proven by science, just pointing out that you can’t. Cause with every answer there are more questions.

For comparison, would you like to count the number of things science HAS proven, compared to religion? This alone give science a better track-record.

Answer #14

Ok Mr. anarchist. I thought your “religion” or whatever you want to call it was based on free ideas. That no matter what someone else’s ideals are they would not be pushed on you. It sorta seems like you’re doing just that. You asked people to prove religion is improbable, not unprovable, and when they do you shoot them down. Its almost like your trying to convince us of something, or is it yourself? Which is it? Plain and simple there is not concrete evidence that god exists. You just have to believe.

Answer #15

This is for information the more posts the better I dont advocate any poticular religion so I have non to defend I like to ask questions and see peoples responses. Religion has always been something of question seeing both sides to it helps me understand peoples views so I encourage these answers I’m not doing this for debate but just to see the way people perseive things. This helps me understand the subject better and advises me to differrent ways to look at things so thank you for the comments.

Answer #16

There may be some flaws and kinks of course, but that is because no one lived through it and it was so long ago it’s hard to say what really happened. Also, the Big Bang Theory, is simply that - a theory. Something completely difference could have happened that we just haven’t realized or discovered yet.

Also, while you are pointing out flaws, let’s not forget all of the contridictions and flaws in religion and the bible.

Answer #17

Everything can be proven with science. Just because they haven’t got a detailed flawless plan just yet, does not mean that it will not be proved or isnt’ close to being proved. That’s like saying that before people thought that the world was flat, that was true, because it couldn’t be proven by science just yet.

The big bang theory may have some flaws, but it still could have happened.

Answer #18

Well thats not proof thats just commenting on what belief is thank you for the answer but please answer the question. The basic research begins in the claims of the religious groups text not on faith or belief. prove based on the stated facts within religions scripts and also to show whether they are true. So inconclusion study begins from the claims asserted within their text. This is not a argument but im trying to give you a clearer idea of what im talking about

Answer #19

if you’re looking for proof, read up on evolution. god can be scientifically disproved as well. for every reason you have that there is a good, there is one against it as to why there is not. read up on the big bang theory. it should explain it to you furthermore.

again, I’m not going against you, so let’s not have this turn into a battle of the religion believers and disbelievers

Answer #20

Define proven.

Answer #21

There is no way to prove or disprove metaphysical theories.

When it comes to such theories I ask myself if it is reasonable to believe or not.

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