
Do you believe in reincarnation and why?

Answer #1

No, I do not believe in reincarnation.

I believe what the bible says,

and that is, that once we die, then, we face the judgement.

Once we face the judgement seat of Christ,

we either enter into life forever with Christ,

or we are forever barred from his presence.

Answer #2

“no because there is no evidence. but you are wrong about evidence 4 god because the bible is evidence of god thatr he ids really real!!!”

I have a copy of the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Does that mean he’s real, too? (Pastafarians would say yes.)

Answer #3

“”but you are wrong about evidence 4 god because the bible is evidence of god thatr he ids really real!!!””

thats amasing the bible is NOT evidence. I’ve read the bible and thats what helped me come to that conclusion

I do believe in reincarnation, I don’t have any prof though

Answer #4

no because there is no evidence. but you are wrong about evidence 4 god because the bible is evidence of god thatr he ids really real!!! read it and maybe you will findout that some of the things the bible talks about in revelation is actually starting 2 happen!!! read it sumtime!!!

Answer #5

no because there is no evidence. but you are wrong about evidence 4 god because the bible is evidence of god thatr he ids really real!!! read it and maybe you will findout that some of the things the bible talks about in revelation is actually starting 2 happen!!! read it sumtime!!!

Answer #6

no because there is no evidence. but you are wrong about evidence 4 god because the bible is evidence of god thatr he ids really real!!! read it and maybe you will findout that some of the things the bible talks about in revelation is actually starting 2 happen!!! read it sumtime!!!

Answer #7

No, because there’s no evidence of it and it doesn’t make any sense. When you die, you just stay dead forever.

Answer #8

“no because there is no evidence. but you are wrong about evidence 4 god because the bible is evidence of god thatr he ids really real!!! read it and maybe you will findout that some of the things the bible talks about in revelation is actually starting 2 happen!!! read it sumtime!!!”

Jeez… Another one.

What makes you think atheists haven’t read the bible? And an ancient text written by supersitious men is not even close to being evidence.

And reincarnation is just as ridiculous as belief in god.

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