Best way to get rid of a demon???

I already have a few prayers its not that strong of a demon but I want to be prepared this guy really wants it gone and I know I can do it with a little help I just need some more ideas… all ideas welcome

Answer #1

What do you mean ‘demon’ yeah they exist but are you christian? I dont understand. Just let it live there unless it trys to harm anyone.

Answer #2

jesus and Gods name isn’t what help. Its you faith. If you have absolut faith in Jesus and God than it would work though its not them its still you. Try a banishing spell then a clensing spell and then a protection spell.

Answer #3

Toadaly is right: There are no demons. Whatever you’re experiencing has a natural explanation that doesn’t involve supernatural posession by one of satan’s minions.

Answer #4

well, umm, not a hardcore thing, but if you’re a christian and you believe you have a deamon, you should get an exorcism…just talk to the leader of your church and they can help you

Answer #5

If it really is a demon… and you really are a Christian, you have authority over it, and it has to obey you, in Jesus name.

Read what the bible says about demons…

sometimes, it takes prayer and fasting… to drive them out.

Answer #6

say to the demon…”I rebuke you in the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy ghost, to come out of me!”

Answer #7

Demons don’t exist. Look for a natural explanation for what you’ve been experiencing, and you will probably find it.

Answer #8

prayer and fasting

Answer #9

Someone above mentioned exorcism if you are Christian. You don’t need to be Christian to go to a Christian priest, of whatever denomination that does this, and ask for an exorcism.

Answer #10

Use some kind of psi shield?

Answer #11

christians may be the vulnerable ones to beinhabited by dark spirits. BUT…it only happens when they make themselves available to it. they have to do something that invites the spirit into their body.

I’ve honestly never known anyone that had any sort of experience with a demon…but I would imagine the best thing to do would be to talk to your ecclesiastical leader. it’s just like getting a perm…don’t do it on your own. you have no idea what you’re doing.

captainassassin—as always…you’re hilarious, and I like your posting even more the second time :)

Answer #12

Says in the bible, water to banish any spirit forms. Even ghosts. And mix salt with the water or sprinkle salt. It mentions in the bible the reason why the ocean is salty. To prevent demons from wondering around freely. People get mad or wrong things occur because a person is undergoing trial. Pass it or fail it. All up to you. To prevent spirits from getting close to you or hurting you or whispering to you, simply spray the salted water around you or everywhere in your room. Then with faith say the Our Father” prayer or “I rebuke you demons in Jesus Christ’s name. Amen”. You definitely hurt them badly doing this that they run off. They always come back to test you or hurt you. Simply do the steps again.

Answer #13

Yipee for re-posting…

From a fanatical Christian standpoint, demons are dark malevolent spirits, under the Debbul’s command, that drive good Christian people to do bad things (a.k.a. screaming, tantrums, wall crawling, levitating, cursing, projectile-vomiting, crucifix crotch-stabbing, etc.) Apparently, under God-given free will, Christians are vulnerable to mind-control (NOT free-will). Hmm… funny how no one else is succeptable.

Anyway, from a SANE perspective, demons are just another form of ‘divine blame placement’ …a way for weak-minded zealots to project their personal shortcomings and/or mental instability (more often the latter), onto a totally fictional makes scary fingers EEEVIL entity.

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