Why doesn't God accept gay people?

I Like This Girl a lot but My Best friend keeps telling me that god doesnt except gay people.. is she true? why doesnt he if he doesnt?

Answer #1

avim, please don’t pretend to know the dealings of my heart. that is one place you will never be.

Answer #2

“I believe that homosexuality is a choice people make.”

Just because you believe it doesn’t make it true.

When did you decide not to be gay?

Answer #3

“In Romans 1:27 is revealed the CONSEQUENCES of the destructive nature of this vile sin , of which AIDS is one frightening evidence.”

What about all the heterosexual people who get HIV and AIDS? What about the children and infants?

Answer #4

I don’t see a problem with it. plus, no one can FORCE you to love anyone. if you like this girl, go for it! I mean, you should do what you want; don’t let other people try to mold you into being something else. plus, it’s legal in CA, if you want to pursue it further. don’t worry what those other people say; they only wish they could have what you have: a happy life.

Answer #5

“I personally think not to go gay.”

Sexuality is not a choice. You don’t ‘choose’ to ‘go gay’.

“Lets make an example, if we were all gay and lesbian, how would this world go on?”

If we were all men, how would this world go on? Clearly, nobody should be a man.

Answer #6

…which god are you referring to?

It is in the bible. God doesn’t accept gays.

It doesn’t say that…

Answer #7

“I said it was MY belief. I’m not forcing it on you. just throwing out some input.”

Yes, but your ‘belief’ in something that’s actually scientifically disprovable. As it already has been - it’s not a choice, it’s genetic and developmental.

I asked when you chose not to be gay because it’s transparently obvious with a little introspection that you never made a ‘choice’ not to be gay any more than a homosexual person made a choice to be gay.

Answer #8

Why do you think the same sex can’t produce? Lets make an example, if we were all gay and lesbian, how would this world go on? It wouldn’t be possible to have kids.

Not EVERYONE wants kids, you know. And there are plenty of lousy parents in the world. And its pointless to ponder ‘what if we were all gay’ …(1) because we’re NOT. And (2) because there IS such things as sperm donors, egg donors, and surrogate mothers.

Answer #9

I personally think not to go gay. Why do you think the same sex can’t produce? Lets make an example, if we were all gay and lesbian, how would this world go on? It wouldn’t be possible to have kids. And I dont care about those stupid things people can do with out have to have sex. But I’m talking about REAL relationships and stuff.

just think about it. Is it really what you want?

and if so, that’s abosoutly fine.

Answer #10

Depends which bits of the bible you pay attention to. Differing opinions on this all come down to the different interpretations (and selective reading) of the bible - the more fundamentalist groups take more of it (or just the bits that suit their prejudices) as gospel.

My advice: Don’t live your life in fear of what some jealous, short-sighted hypothetical deity thinks of your personal choices.

Answer #11

O_o grow up kid, and be yourself, stop listening to some religious maniacs…god accepts all (according to the bible)

Answer #12

actually it’s not been scientifically proven. there are huge debates over it. it falls under the “nature vs. nurture” blanket.

my choice not to be gay was environmental. I grew up in a heterosexual household and that’s the example I’ve learned from. it was taught to me, and I chose to except it.

Answer #13

sorry for the double posting guys…delete button isn’t working…

Answer #14

*[“…I am christian…I have read the bible…”]

*You can claim to be a Christian if you want to…only God knows your heart…but we will know the TRUTH about that when He comes at the RAPTURE…so I won’t speak to that at this time…however, I will speak to the words that issue from your mouth which will tell me much about the condition of your heart. Too, reading the Bible does not make you a Christian…a lot of people read the Bible (even unbelievers) and they read it a “literature.” So then…reading the Bible and going to church does NOT necessarily make a person a Christian. Claims are like “road-apples”…they are all over the place and people step on them and get “stuff” all over their shoes.

*[“…you are completely interpreting it wrong and are twisting it’s teachings…”]

*You are in error NOT knowing the Scriptures nor BELIEVING them. The very reason you say what you do is that you believe NOT what the Scriptures say and REJECT their pronouncements. The Scriptures are very CLEAR about the sinful nature of HOMOSEXUALITY and the impending JUDGMENT upon those that practice it. There is no twisting here and you KNOW it…you are BLIND to the truth. You have ears but you do NOT HEAR…you have EYES but you do NOT SEE and are BLIND to the TRUTH as revealed in the Scriptures.

The fact that you and the homosexuals on this board ferociously REJECT what the Scriptures CLEARLY point out…is prima facie proof that you and they are WRONG and at ENMITY with the Word of God. Too, I do NOT interpret the Scriptures…it is the Spirit of God that does the interpreting of Scripture because He indwells EVERY BLOOD BOUGHT SON/DAUGHTER of God [John 3}…and they are able to discern the TRUTH because they are BORN to the TRUTH…non-believers CANNOT interpret the Scriptures correctly because the Spirit of God is NOT in them and they have NO discernment of the things of God and are BLIND to it…so they REBEL at the TRUTH and those that bring it to this board.

Tis a sad commentary when “christians” like you take offense at those who bring the TRUTH of God’s Word to this board and side with the ENEMIES of God.


Answer #15

to be more precise…she was engaged. and at that time, had she been “unmarried” and not a virgin, there would have been huge consequences. but, because she was engaged to a man that was kind, and that knew the truth, she was spared humiliation and further consequences.

I do believe that being homosexual is a choice, however I am tolerant to those that choose it. what kind of person would I be if I tried to persecute them??

Answer #16

excuse me?

whether you can fathom this or not, I am christian and, yes, I have read the bible. you are completely interpreting it wrong and are twisting it’s teachings.

YOU are exactly why christians have so much work to do.

so thanks for making my job harder.

Answer #17

avim…I really hope you’re not saying that because homosexuals are sinners they have been plagued with AIDS by god…

if that ever had a chance at being true then every homosexual person would get AIDS and no heterosexual person would get it. …not to mention it makes god a completely cruel deity.

where do you come up with this stuff??

Answer #18

Dude, I’m not trying to be mean or anything but don’t listen to too many religious people. Gays are fine.

Answer #19

The world… and some of the church… do not accept gay people

Speaking on behalf of the entire world now? What a privilege…

Answer #20

it’s not that god doesn’t accept homosexuals. we are all children of god and he therefore loves us.

“Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord,” Romans 8:39.

I believe that homosexuality is a choice people make. but just because someone is gay doesn’t mean they can’t believe in or love god. and the choice doesn’t mean god doesn’t love them back. it does, however, mean that they are physically doing something to put distance between themselves and their god. any sin will do that for you…lying…cheating…adultery…etc.

Answer #21

…and all this because he can’t handle rejection. Truly pathetic.

we will know the TRUTH about that when He comes at the RAPTURE

…the rapture. Yes. A term/concept that ISN’T IN THE BIBLE.

is prima facie proof that you and they are WRONG

You don’t know the meaning of the word ‘proof’

There is no twisting here and you KNOW it…you are BLIND to the truth.

…there’s plenty of twisting on your behalf. You know NOTHING of the truth, only your own opinions. The same reason why you IGNORE scriptures that offer salvation to homosexuals. You’re doing nothing but filtering scripture through your OWN ignorant world views. That means you are NOT a Christian, you’re a fanatic… and a stupid one at that. Your inability to respond to biblical scriptures contrary to your own opinions, is proof of that.

Answer #22

Note Avim’s wonderful circular reasoning: You’re not a ‘true’ christian unless you’re as intolerant and bigoted as him, and if you’re a ‘true’ christian, god will tell you exactly how to interpret scripture. How convenient.

Also note how he studiously ignores anyone pointing out how flawed his reasoning is, and neglects to respond to any refutations, favoring instead just repeating the same debunked screeds over and over.

Answer #23

When did you choose not to be homosexual, Avim?

Answer #24

“You are mistaken. There is NO scientific or theological evidence that it is a genetic “predetermination” at all.”

Really? From Wikipedia: “The American Academy of Pediatrics has stated that “sexual orientation probably is not determined by any one factor but by a combination of genetic, hormonal, and environmental influences.”[55] The amount that each influence plays is highly debated. One study on Swedish twins suggested that there was a moderate, primarily genetic, familial effects, and moderate to large effects of the nonshared environment (social and biological) on same-sex sexual behavior.”

You’re welcome to dispute how conclusive the evidence is, but to say there’s NO evidence is an outright lie.

“The REASON that your son is a homosexual is because he CHOSE to be one”

Really. When did you ‘choose’ to be straight, or did it just come naturally? What makes you think that there’s any sort of choice involved at all? Was there for you? Could you suddenly start liking the same gender in a sexual fashion if you felt like it?

“In Romans 1:27 we are told that the homosexual will receive in himself the PENALTY of the self-destructive nature of this SIN, of which AIDS is ONE frightening evidence.”

Really? What about all the heterosexual people who get HIV and AIDS? What about the unborn children who get it from their mother?

“Your DENIAL that your son CHOSE to be a homosexual is EVIDENCE that you do NOT believe what God has to say about the SIN of homosexuality in the Scriptures.”

Your DENIAL of any evidence for natural causes for homosexuality is EVIDENCE that you are not interested in what is true, but rather what you can find in scripture that conforms to your prejudices. You’re a homophobe.

“You are in a COMPLETE state of DENIAL of the abominable nature of your son’s activities and try to justify his behaviour with your illogical logic…which is colored by your rejection of the Word of God.”

I seem to recall some saying about a pot and a kettle here that seems appropriate. You’re not in a good position to criticize someone’s logic when you base your arguments entirely on scripture and not at all on reason or science.

Answer #25

No. God accepts everyone for who they are. So don’t think your going to hell or anything like that. Also God will forgive you. But there is nothing for him to forgive you about. So don’t worry about what your friend says.

Answer #26

God will take you as you are. The bit in the Bible that said otherwise was written YEARS AND YEARS ago, it was a totally different culture.

Answer #27

*[“once again, I’m not pushing my beliefs on anyone else…I’m just telling you what mine are.”]

*Hello sillygirl (it should be prettygirl):

That’s o.k…you are entitled to your beliefs.

I am happy that you had the good sense NOT to choose to go out and experiment and put yourself in a position where it could mess up your life completely. Too, you are young and have the potential to make a good life for yourself in a career and maybe later on get married to some great guy and raise a nice family. I wish that for you and want to wish you a Merry Christmas…and pray that you will come to know the Lord Jesus Christ in a very personal way…for I know that He loves you dearly.

Be well pretty Lady


Answer #28

*[“Why doesn’t God accept gay people.”]

*When sinful men consistently abandon God…He will abandon them (Judges 10:13;2 Chronicles 15:2;24:20;Psalms 81:11,12;Hosea 4:17;Matthew 15:14;Acts 7:38-42;14:16). He accomplishes this by removing His restraint and allowing their sin to run its inevitable course by specific acts of divine judgment and punishment. The word “uncleanness” speaks here of sexual immorality (2 Corinthians 12:21; cf Galatians 5:19-23;Ephesians 5:3;1 Thessalonians 4:7)…which begins in the HEART and moves to the SHAME of the BODY. We are told, “Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves” [Romans 1:24].

The terms “God gave them up” and “vile passions” [Romans 1:26,27] refers to HOMOSEXUALITY…a sin roundly condemned in Scripture (Genesis 19;Leviticus 18:22; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11;Galatians 5:19-21;Ephesians 5:3-5;1 Timothy 1:9,10;Jude 7).

In Romans 1:27 is revealed the CONSEQUENCES of the destructive nature of this vile sin , of which AIDS is one frightening evidence.

BOTTOM-LINE: God has ABANDONED the homosexual [Romans 1:26-27].


Answer #29

BOTTOM-LINE: God has ABANDONED the homosexual [Romans 1:26-27].

You left out…

‘’Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor HOMOSEXUALS, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.’’ [1 Corinthians 6:9-10]

Seems pretty conclusive, huh? Yeah, until you read the NEXT verse…

‘’Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.’’ [1 Corinthians 6:11]

Hmm… it seems as though there’s a little loophole in your ‘God Abandonment’ clause.

Answer #30

Being gay is fine.

Answer #31

Don’t worry about that religion crap. You born gay/bi/strait. God doesn’t exist anyway. The bible has so many things wrong with it and if you knew its true history I don’t know why anyone would follow it. Humans are sexual creatures. Its not sinful its natural.

To blame AIDS on homosexuals is ignorant and stupid. Being gay is natural why would your God create something and then condemn it for what it is. Don’t even say homosexuality is a choice. Notice its always straight that are homophobic that say that. How about we trust the answer of someone that is a homosexual.

I agree with captain there are crappy parents. and what about people that don’t want to have kids? Should they be condemned too?

Also agree with arachnid with the genesis thing. God knew what would happen. He knew that mankind was flawed and weak. Like loading a gun and putting it on the floor and telling a 2 year old not to touch it. The bible claims that we are like children to him so there you go. God is a lousy parent.

Love is love. Let it be.

Answer #32

*[“…My son is gay. As far as anyone can tell, it is a genetic predetermination (I believe that; I’m hetero, and no one consulted me as to my preferences; I ‘just am’)…”]

*You are mistaken. There is NO scientific or theological evidence that it is a genetic “predetermination” at all. The REASON that your son is a homosexual is because he CHOSE to be one…because he is a SINNER who has consistently abandoned God in his life…and because of this God will abandon him [Judges 10:13;2 Chronicles 15:2;24:20;Psalm 81:11,12;Hosea 4:17;Matthew 15:14;Acts 7:38-42;14:16]. God will abandon him by removing His restraint and allowing his SIN to run its inevitable course…which begins in his Heart and moves to the SHAME of his BODY.

The homosexual’s denial of God’s existence and His RIGHT to be OBEYED and GLORIFIED [Roman’s 1:19-21; Isaiah 44:20;John 8:44] ends with God “giving him up” to VILE PASSIONS [I.e., homosexuality]…a SIN roundly condemned in Scripture [Genesis 19;Leviticus 18:22;1 Corinthians 6:9-11;Galatians 5:5:19-21;Ephesians 5:3-5;1 Timothy 1:9,10;Jude 7].

In Romans 1:27 we are told that the homosexual will receive in himself the PENALTY of the self-destructive nature of this SIN, of which AIDS is ONE frightening evidence.

Your DENIAL that your son CHOSE to be a homosexual is EVIDENCE that you do NOT believe what God has to say about the SIN of homosexuality in the Scriptures. The Scripture tell us that we are ALL born SINNERS [including your son]. King David tells us the following: “Behold, I was shapen in INIQUITY; and in SIN did my MOTHER conceive me” [Psalm 51:5]. Your son is a BORN sinner because YOU are a BORN sinner…and you handed down your NATURE to SIN down to him…and he SINNED [I.e., CHOSE the homosexual life-style]] because he is a SINNER and SINNERS sin…it is their NATURE!

*[“…God made us all. WHY would God make some of us wrong?…”]

*When God created man, He created him RIGHTEOUS…that is, He created man in His “image” (I.e., PERFECT and in a state of SINLESSNESS) [Genesis 1:26]. So then God created man in His “image” on the SIXTH day and He said it was “very good” [Genesis 1:31].

God did NOT “make some of us wrong”…He made us ALL perfect on the SIXTH day of creation. We are “wrong” because we became SINNERS…(I.e., our parents disobeyed God and ate of the forbidden tree in the midst of the garden…Genesis 3:6)…and handed down their DEPRAVED nature (I.e., “wrong” nature) to us. Your son is “wrong” because he possesses the DEPRAVED “nature” handed down to him and uses it to practice homosexuality.

*[“…(After all; if we could have found a translator more familiar with ancient Hebrew in the first place we could have saved a lot of misunderstanding about Jesus’ Mom…the literal translation is actually ‘an unmarried woman,’ NOT ‘virgin: See?…”]

*You are mistaken. I am Jewish…both of my parents are Jewish…but I am a believer in Yeshua Jesus. In Isaiah 7:14 the word used is “Almah” and the Strong’s Number for that word is 5959 which is the feminine of H5958 = a lass (as veiled or private): = damsel, maid, unmarried woman, virgin…to wit:: “Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel” [Isaiah 7:14]. Since Ahaz refused to chose a sign (vv.11,12), the Lord chose His own sign, whose implementation would occur far beyond Ahaz’s lifetime.This prophecy reached forward to the VIRGIN birth of the MESSIAH, as the NT notes [Matthew 1:23]. The Hebrew word refers to an unmarried woman and means “virgin” [Genesis 24:43;Proverbs 30:19;Song of Solomon 1:3;6:8], so the birth of Isaiah’s own son [Isaiah 8:3] could NOT have fully satisfied the prophecy [Cf. Genesis 3:15, IMMANUAL. The title, applied to Jesus in Matthew 1:23…means “God with us.”

*[“There goes the ballgame re: “Immaculate Conception…”]

*You do not know what you are talking about here. The doctrine of the “Immaculate Conception” is NOT a Christian doctrine…it is a Roman Catholic doctrine and the two are MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE of each other. It teaches that Mary herself was born without SIN, that from the very first moment of her existence she was free from the taint of original sin. It holds that while all the rest of mankind are born into an inheritance of original sin, Mary alone, by a special miracle of God, was EXCEPTED. The original decree setting forth this doctrine was issued by pope Pius IX, on December 8, 1854.

*[“…Anyway, some of ‘us’ will always be on the lookout to point a finger at someone else so that they can feel better about themselves…”]

*You are mistaken. Some of “us” point fingers at some of “you” because you are wilfully ignorant of the things of God…and speak to things from the logic of your corrupt minds…not accepting what God has said in His Word because you have REJECTED it as the AUTHORITY in living your lives. The evidence of it is in your rejection of what He has to say about the SIN of homosexuality…which you reject because of your son. You are in a COMPLETE state of DENIAL of the abominable nature of your son’s activities and try to justify his behaviour with your illogical logic…which is colored by your rejection of the Word of God.


Answer #33

*[“It’s not that god doesn’t accept homosexuals, we are all children of god and he therefore loves us…”]

*We are NOT all children of God…for we are ALL “born sinners” (I.e., conceived in sin)…hear King David: “Behold, I was shapen in INIQUITY, and in SIN did my mother conceive me” [Psalm 51:5]. The ONLY way that we can become the Sons/Daughters of God is through the NEW BIRTH [John 3]: “Jesus answered and said unto him, ‘Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be BORN AGAIN, he cannot see the Kingdom of God’ [John 3:3].

We are told that “He (Jesus) came unto his own (the Jews), and his own received him NOT. But as many as RECEIVED him, TO THEM gave he power to BECOME the SONS/DAUGHTERS of God, even TO THEM that BELIEVE on his NAME.. Which were BORN (I.e., born again), NOT of BLOOD (I.e., natural generation), nor of the will of the FLESH, nor of the will of man (I.e., self-effort), but of God” [John 1:11-13].

BOTTOM-LINE: We must be born a SECOND time by the Spirit of God [John 3] to have the RIGHTEOUSNESS of Jesus Christ IMPUTED to us (born sinners) THROUGH Jesus Christ, the RIGHTEOUSNESS of God. He (Jesus) ALONE is the MEDIATOR between us and God [1 Timothy 2:5] and without Him we will PERISH in Hell for we would NOT have a MEDIATOR between us and God to plead for our FORGIVENESS (I.e., pardon and/or reconciliation).

You are correct, however, when you say that God loves us [John 3:16] and sent His dear SON Jesus as a SIN OFFERING for our sins…to reconcile us unto Himself.

*[“…I believe that homosexuality is a choice people make. but just because someone is gay doesn’t mean they can’t believe in or love god…”]

*You are mistaken. CHOICE is an act of SELECTION…which means that the person making that SELECTION to act is a PRACTICING HOMOSEXUAL. A person who is a practicing homosexual does NOT love God…and is in rebellion against God…and does NOT love God. “For this reason God gave them up to VILE passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their ERROR which was due” [Romans 1:26-27].

*[“…and the choice doesn’t mean god doesn’t love them back…”]

*By being a practicing homosexual a person consistently ABANDONS God by his behavior. When men CONSISTENTLY abandons God, He WILL abandon them [Judges 10:13;2 Chronicles 15:2;24:20;Psalm 81:11,12;Hosea 4:17;Matthew 15:14;Acts 7:38-42;14:16]. He accomplishes this by removing His RESTRAINT and allowing their sin to run its inevitable course…and eventually, by specific acts of divine judgment and punishment (I.e., uncleanness…sexual immorality…2 Corinthians 12:21;Galatians 5:19-23;Ephesians 5:3) which begins in the HEART and moves to the shame of the BODY.


Answer #34

*[“…I really hope you’re not saying that because homosexuals are sinners they have been plagued with AIDS by god…”]

*You didn’t read carefully what I posted or you what not have asked me that question. The homosexual will REAP what he SOWS…and what he REAPS is the CONSEQUENCES of his SELF-DESTRUCTIVE behavior…of which AIDS is one frightening EVIDENCE.

BOTTOM-LINE: The homosexual will REAP what he SOWS: “Do not be deceived, God is NOT mocked; for whatever a man SOWS, that he will also REAP. For he who SOWS to his FLESH will REAP CORRUPTION, but he who SOWS to the SPIRIT will of the Spirit REAP EVERLASTING life” [Galatians 6:7,8].

*[“…it makes god a completely cruel deity…”]

*Someday you will get the chance to tell Him that personally FACE to FACE. Will you get back to me AFTER you FACE Him…and THEN tell me WHAT He said?

*[“Where do you come up with this stuff?”]

*From a Book you NEVER read…and would NOT believe it if you read it: “For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish FOOLISHNESS; but unto us which are SAVED it is the power of God” [1 Corinthians 1:18].


Answer #35

“Just because you believe it doesn’t make it true.”.
I said it was MY belief. I’m not forcing it on you. just throwing out some input.

I could choose to go and experiment with my sexuality. I choose not to. btw…that was a really personal question.

once again, I’m not pushing my beliefs on anyone else…I’m just telling you what mine are.

Answer #36

A person who is a practicing homosexual does NOT love God…and is in rebellion against God…and does NOT love God.

If homosexuality is sin, and all sin (except one in particular, not currently being discussed) is equal, and equally forgivable in the eyes of God, and we are all sinners; then to sin (in general) is to rebel against God. Since we are ALL sinners, and struggle with sin daily (including yourself), according to YOUR logic… NO ONE loves God (including yourself).

Your thought process is wrong… think harder.

Answer #37

“God did NOT create homosexuals “the way they are.””

There’s a great deal of evidence that homosexuality is genetic and developmental. That, and it occurs frequently in the animal kingdom. If your god is responsible for all life, then he’s responsible for creating homosexual people, too.

“Well, we all know what happened…Eve ate of the forbidden tree and gave some of the fruit to her husband who also ate [Genesis 3:6]”

Yup, and all because your OMNIPOTENT god created Adam and Eve, then planted this tree, and told them not to eat any fruit from it, knowing full well exactly what would happenl. You can’t say “free will”, because that would imply that god is unable to tell what we’re going to do, which would make him less than omnipotent.

Given that he set all the preconditions - flawed humans with no knowledge of good or evil (so how could they know it was bad to eat from the tree?), temptation within easy reach, hell, he even supplied a snake to try and tempt them - I would say that any failure is his, not Adam and Eve’s. They just did what they had been built to do, what god supposedly already knew they would do from the start.

And then god punishes not only them but every other generation to come after them. Sound like a fair and just god to you?

Answer #38

The world… and some of the church… do not accept gay people, God does.

He loves all mankind, as this is his highest creation.

He does not love sin.

He loves the sinner.

and he made a way for a sinner to be redeemed.

And that is thru faith in the shed blood of his son, Jesus Christ.

If you, or anyone accepts Jesus Christ as Lord, he will come into your heart, thru the power of the Holy Spirit, and begin the transforming process, taking you back to your original place in him, before sin came into being in the garden of Eden, right at the beginning of time.

It is Gods will for us to be in fellowship with him.

Sin seperates us from that fellowship.

God and sin…are opposite.

If you love one, you will hate the other.

Listen to the replies on this board for proof.

Answer #39

avim…I really hope you’re not saying that because homosexuals are sinners they have been plagued with AIDS by god…

if that ever had a chance at being true then every homosexual person would get AIDS and no heterosexual person would get it.

where do you come up with this stuff??

Answer #40

if I may cut thrue all the BS and give a simple answer to a simple question the answer is that he accepts them not as homosexuals but as repentent sinners. that is the same bases that he accepts liers, petty theves and people who talk back to their perants. Yes I hve met people who are like the ones described in Romans 1:27, people how have harden theer harts twoird God that finly God gave them over to their rebillion. Consider the Pharaoh of the Exodus, Moses would come to him and say let my people go, then Pharaoh would say no, this happened over and over again he hardened his heart more and more. Finly God hardened his heart, and the man lost his son. He kicked the Jews out then hardened his heart again and followed after them and lost his army in the Gulf of Accuba, part of the Red Sea. The remains are still there if you can get permission from the Sudaies, and the Egyptions to look. There is another refference tht people use and that is 1 corinthians 6-11. most people stop at verse 10 and that is where they become liers. 9 and 10 homosexuals are listed with severial others as not inherating the Kingdom of God. some how these religous phonies pick out that one to come down on. Now here is where these people are lieing, verse 11 “somw of you were like like this; but you were washed , your were sanctified,you were justified in the name of the lord Jesus Christ and by the spirit of God.” What does all that mean? I think that washed is self expalnatory. santified means to be set a side for Him, to be spical to God. Justified is to me made right. in this case declared right. (there are a lot of wounderfull ruths here that would take a book to explain and a life time to figure out.) In short they are saved. How? I startes with the simple word repentence, a change of mind, I wse to think that throwing rocks at cats was right but now I see it is wrong. I thought tha homeosexuality was ok but now I see it is sin and God has the right to call it sin becuse sin is braking Gods law and he has the right to define sin becuse he is God. Then it is a reconizion that God looked down thrue eturinity and saw that I was in danger of death and hell and did some thing about it by sending Jesus to take the punishment for my sin by taking my death on the cross. Then I have to ask him not only to forgive me but to ask him to come into my life, my heart, and take over my life (hayI realy screwed it up, If I always do what I always did I always get what I always got) He will do it. He will do it becuse he always keeps His promasses, but I have to ask, sorry that is the rules. Then when God looks at me he no longer sees a homesexual, thefe, mudderer, but he sees Juses in me and some one he rescued from Hell. I would like to adress AIDS, and predisposition but I have made this long enought as it is.

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Kids Talk About God

Religious Organizations, Children's Education, Online Learning Platforms


Walk and Talk

Life Coaching, Christian Counseling, Personal Development


Wazifa for Love Back

Spirituality, Relationships, Astrology



Psychic Readings, Spirituality, Personal Development


Deidre Havrelock

Christian Authors, Feminist Thought Leaders, Inclusive Christian Narratives