Love & Relationships Questions

  1. What do you think about people that cheat in their relationship, and do you think it would be a good ideal to put them on the TV show "Cheaters"?
  2. Why do people look down on me just because I'm a girl and smoke weed?
  3. Do you people think that love and romance is real?
  4. How do I handle a friend who makes every issue about herself?
  5. Why is my (ex) boyfriend making it my fault?
  6. What if my bf likes me dressing casual, but I like dressing nice- like heels?
  7. What do you do when a guy says you're trashy?
  8. What do you say to people who think what you say is always about them?
  9. Why doesn't he want me to go to the rave?
  10. Why do some people lie about their age knowing it has to come out one way or another in a relationship?
  11. Why are guys so sweet and do they get sweeter in high school?
  12. What does it mean when a boy will look at everything/ everyone in a room except you?
  13. What are the Differences between emotional affair and being friendly?
  14. How do you get someone to leave you alone without being rude?
  15. What does it mean when a boy instantly knows you're absent?
  16. How can I tell when the perfect time to ask her out is?
  17. How can I wish my crush a happy birthday without making it obvious that I like him?
  18. What is it like being with a police officer?
  19. What do you think girls fear the most in a relationship?
  20. Why do tall people usually date tall people?
  21. How do I convince my best friend who is a Tom-Boy to come to my 19th birthday party at a spa?
  22. Do you celebrate Steak and BJ Day?
  23. What does it mean when all of a sudden your best friend starts acting really strange around you?
  24. What do you think of a boyfriend giving his girl a present for Valentine's Day but she not giving one back?
  25. What can I do to make it easier with my boyfriend after a night out partying?
  26. How do you know when you have entered the "friendzone"?
  27. What does it mean when your ex fiance shows mixed signs?
  28. What is the best couple that you have seen in a movie?
  29. Why do all guys think that girls are impressed witha big penis?
  30. How could I convince my boyfriend from California to let me go down there and see him over spring break?
  31. What are coupon ideas for giving to some one you love?
  32. Is it really necessary for my friend to get mad at me because I'm trying to make new friends?
  33. Why do my friends and sisters make fun of my favourite celebrity Karen Gillan?
  34. How do I get over my ex if we never had closure?
  35. why do my knees shake when my boyfriend plays with my clit?
  36. What do you say when one of your friends are pregnant, but it happened by accident?
  37. What are some things I could mail my boyfriend for his birthday?
  38. Why do I find my co-worker irritating?
  39. Are you supposed to feel something right away when you touch yur Gspot,without first arousing yourself?
  40. Is it wrong to tell your guy friend who is like your brother that you love him (like a brother) or would that just be weird?
  41. Where are the good guys in the world hiding?
  42. Why does it bother me so much that my friend's family is always going places?
  43. How do I have a boyfriend over a social network?
  44. Why do I miss my ex when our whole relationship was based on lies?
  45. Why do my friends call me a good girl slut?
  46. Why do single men hit on married women?
  47. Why do I get so mad when my friend always knocks my stuff, like my new blackberry curve?
  48. Why did this happen, why did they take her away from me?
  49. Who in a relationship always has to have the last and final word in an argument?
  50. How do I address my B.F. with his "blank mind"?
  51. Do you/does your partner go into your purse or wallet and do you find it appropriate?
  52. How does one tell if a girl likes him while they are sending messages and can't see each other?
  53. Should I try to get my boyfriend to stop smoking weed?
  54. Do you think that Katie Holmes really loves Tom Cruise?
  55. How do you meet new friends outside of school?
  56. How do you kiss awesomly?
  57. Is it weird if my boyfriend goes to the movies with his ex?
  58. Why did people like me better when I was a bad person?
  59. How do you tell a guy that you and him would make a good team/pair?
  60. What do I do - my girlfriend was raped?
  61. How can I apologize to my boyfriend in an indirect way for not being able to hang out much these days?
  62. How can I help my bff realize that she has a wonderful life and is beautiful?
  63. Why am I afraid of my ex getting his girlfriend pregnant?
  64. What do I do if my girlfriend was attacked, or worse - raped?
  65. What can I do if my baby's father doesn't help with caring for our child?
  66. Should I be worried that my wife is into wearing thigh high boots and mini skirts when she goes out lately?
  67. How should I welcome a new neighbor into the town?
  68. Who is the type of person who can't hold a long relationship at all?
  69. In what kind of health situation would someone be encouraged to go to a geneticist?
  70. What kind of club or something can I get involved in to make friends?
  71. Who believes in really long distance relationships?
  72. Would it be cheesy to give my girlfriend this for Valentine's Day?
  73. What can I do if I think my friend stole my iPod ?
  74. Why does my friend like the bad guys?
  75. How to react to her suggestion of 'My day'?
  76. what is best when you are squatting, to ride it or jump on it?
  77. How can I make it easier to talk to older guys?
  78. How do I tell my girlfriend to lose a little weight because I'm worried?
  79. What should I do if I think my boyfriend is hiding something from me?
  80. Where are some places where teen lesbians can meet other teens that are lesbians in the UK?
  81. What could be some of the reasons my boyfriend wants me to gain weight?
  82. If my last period was may 23, is it possible that I conceived on June 20?
  83. How come blondes get black guys easily?
  84. How would I manifest my true love?
  85. What is the best or cutest way to give a girl a necklace?
  86. What are good ways to make new friends?
  87. How can I make my own group of friends?
  88. Who is/hasbeen in love?
  89. Do american ladies like irish guys?
  90. What would you do if you find your boyfriend/girlfriend sleeping next to you?
  91. How do I end it with my boyfriend?
  92. What should I do now that, my wife is moving out of our home?
  93. What is the best thing, for you, about being in a (your) relationship?
  94. Why do I feel like I want to be friends with my teacher?
  95. How can i ask my boyfriend to pay mee waht he owes me?
  96. What is your opinion on plural marriage's and should this be allowed?
  97. How can I get more friends if I feel like the people in my area are rude?
  98. Do you think it's a good idea to give him my email?
  99. should i let ma boyfriend drink but not everyday just like in when we chill but when he drinks he gets wasted?
  100. why my boyfriend dont ley me go through his cell phone?
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