How can I get more friends if I feel like the people in my area are rude?

It’s really hard to make friends.Im homeschooled until next year,and i really wish i had friends.well more than one.i have one good best friend but i need more.and i feel like people think its me but i dont exactly think so.i mean i think im a normal girl.whats wrong?

Answer #1


Answer #2

try meeting people around ur area on Facebook or something then you guys can meet

Answer #3

but dont meet random people who look scary..

Answer #4

I only wish I could move ! lol

Answer #5

Try meeting people at places like a community club (chess, book/literary, sports, etc.) or look for volunteer opportunities (hospital, day care…).

Good Luck (and keep smiling) Ital Babe !!

Answer #6

Or a cooking club, if you are Italian (GREAT chefs!!) then that may be fun…

Answer #7

if you join dating community site then you will make more friends.

Answer #8

Go out to places, and meet new people, you can look for work, volunteer and stuff like tha. Just get involved with communities you do like.

Answer #9

Join a class that you have an intrest in. People there will also have the same intrests and it should be easy to start conversations with them. Atleast thats what Id do :)

Answer #10

In the nicest way possible, you need an attitude adjustment. If you continue to think everyone around you is rude, you will never make friends. And that isnt your fault. When your brain believes a generalization, it automatically starts to look for evidence to back up that generalization, which means you will start seeing rudeness everywhere. Here’s how I see it, you are not rude. You are also unlikely to be unique. Thus, odds are that there is at least one other person in your area who is not rude. Now your job is to go weed through everyone and find that person!

Answer #11

(besides your best friend of course)

Answer #12

I mean people just backstab me left and right.Or then we won’t talk for a bit and they will be like i could care less if we are friends or’s not me lmfaoo i know that for a fact.I have been so nice to people even when they picked on me i would say you know sorry i am that way instead of cursing them out.

Answer #13

look at everyone hanging around together and c if u find someone nice then tlk to them

Answer #14

If you are interested in making friends with someone you have met, you might want to ask yourself, ‘Who are his or her friends?’ The type of close associates someone has tells much about the person himself. Also, what opinion do mature and respectable people in the community have of him? In addition, it is wise to consider not only how potential friends treat us but also how they treat others, particularly those from whom they have nothing to gain. Unless a person displays good qualities—such as honesty, integrity, patience, and consideration—at all times and to all people, what guarantee is there that he will always treat you well?

Getting to know someone’s true character requires patience and skill, as well as time to observe the person in real life. The Bible states: “Counsel in the heart of a man is as deep waters, but the man of discernment is one that will draw it up.” (Proverbs 20:5) We need to talk to potential friends about serious subjects—those that reveal their true personality, motivations and, yes, values. What sort of people are they? Are they kind or cold? Basically positive and cheerful or negative and cynical? Unselfish or self-serving? Trustworthy or disloyal? If a person talks critically about others to you, what will prevent him from talking negatively about you behind your back? “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks,” said Jesus. (Matthew 12:34) When it does, we should listen.

Above all, remember that true happiness—and true friendship—come from giving of yourself, your time, and your resources. The rewards are more than worth the effort and sacrifices involved. However, if you think only of yourself when choosing friends, you will never succeed. So when considering potential friends, do not restrict yourself to those you look up to or those from whom you can gain something. Reach out to those whom others might overlook or who may have difficulty making friends themselves.

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