Why does my friend like the bad guys?

Why does my friend like the bad guys who want to do nothing in life but smoke,drink, sag, cheat and be abusive? She admitted it herself and asked me to help her stay away from them?

Answer #1

Different people like different guys. I’m not your friend and I don’t know her so I wouldn’t know why. Maybe she feels protected with them that’s why. She has her reasons.

Answer #2

Coz their extremely attractive lol :) I love the bad boys, my boyfriends one, and most of my past bf’s were. By bad boy I mean, smoking, drinking, skateboarding, muscley, tanned guys. Not abusive cheating ones. I don’t know what attracts me to them, just everything about them is attractive to me. But like cookielove said, different people like different guys :)

Answer #3

I found most women who go for those kind of guys are kind of shallow. Personally, I’ll drink and smoke on occasion, but I don’t know who gets off being abusive and cheating. I mean there is a lot there besides just that and if you are only looking on the outside then you would never know the potential of their true nature and personality. Thats the problem with a lot of society, we tend to read in the wrong places, we don’t see the fine print or the fact there are more chapters in the book.

Answer #4

sometimes bad boys were seen being raised. Is her dad or borther or uncle a bad boy? that’s a factor, but not all the time. sometimes it’s a phase in life. She may be trying to find who she likes and who she wants to be. it can also be a factor of low self confidence.

Or it can simply just be an attraction.

Answer #5

Low self-esteem (she believes that’s the type of guy who she deserves), learned behavior (she’s learned that type of behavior means they really love her), she believes she can change them, who knows? We dont know your friend.

Answer #6

She might think she can do no better or not deserve someone better. But I don’t class someone who drinks and smokes as a ‘bad boy’ but being abusive yes.

Answer #7

She probably believes that she doesn’t deserve better than that..she should go talk to somebody if you don’t help her…or anybody else around her can’t help.

Answer #8

because attraction isnt a choice , and those bad boys of urs are attractive !

Answer #9

its a known fact all teenage girls need excitment, she will grow out of it one day :) x

Answer #10

Well ask someone who does know. Me myself like the bad guys. Their more interesting & fun to be around. Yhea the smoking & drinking is manly wahts its about , but not for all bad guys. All are different in their own way .but bad guys are hot to alot of girls.

Answer #11

She is probably looking for something fun or different then her normal life activities. I, myself am interested in the fun/bad guys.

Answer #12

I agree with cherrypickerlovers. One thing about bad guys. They are less inhibited then good guys. They give girls attention, and for what reason, guess. Once they have what they want, “who’s next”. That’s why they are bad.

If she continues on into her 20’s with this same type of guy no good guy will want her unless she makes a big change.

Ask her, “what is it she is getting from these guys she isn’t getting from the so called good “guys”?

Answer #13

like Gene from x-men says “girls flirt with the bad guy but they take the good guy home”

Answer #14

Every female likes the bad boy, No matter what age.

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