How do I get over my ex if we never had closure?

So like the question we never had closure and the past couple of days I’ve done nothing but think of her. Anyway I think it’s because before she said anything the day she ended it asked if she still liked me(we had been iffy for a week or so) and the reason she gave was that she couldn’t put the time in. I know she probably just used that as a nice way of ending it, but in my mind I can’t stop thinking that she wants to be with but just can’t right now but I know that’s not true…

Answer #1

Closure doesn’t mean the relationship has ended. Its just a “It was all your fault” game. Just forget about it and accept that its over. If need be, say its your fault and dont make the same mistake again.

Answer #2

Moving on can be very tough when we don’t feel like we’ve been given closure. I can understand to an extent how you’re feeling. To me, saying something like that is like using the line “It’s not you, it’s me.” It’s a dreadful way to end things, because even if that IS the case, it makes you think that they’re just trying to be nice to spare your feelings. It makes you feel very uncertain.

One thing you can be certain of, however, is that it’s over. I hate saying it and I’m sure it’s not great to hear, but if this girl did want to be with you, my only assumption would be that she would have tried to fit you in her schedule regardless of how busy it may or may not have been. The fact that she gave up, in my opinion, suggests that she isn’t willing to try to make it work. So.. I’d say that at this point, she doesn’t really want to be with you.

What to do right now? Just work on yourself and feeling better. Keep yourself busy, do things you enjoy. You will feel better in time. If you meet paths somewhere down the road, check in and see how she’s doing. If you don’t, embrace what you DO have and allow yourself to like/love again.

Answer #3

Sometimes life doesn’t give you the closure you want. You have to make one. I know it doesn’t feel like it and I’m sorry for your loss…. but bro, you gotta just accept the fact that its over and move on. Not easy I know, but necessary.

You may still think there is a chance but don’t hold onto it. It’ll only drag this thing out.

And when you do get over her, and by some twist of fate y’all end up together again, then it’ll be new material to a new relationship. Not bringing stuff from a failed relationship into a new one.

I hope this helps…. good luck bro.

Answer #4

All I can really say is you have to get over things in your own terms. Even if that means spending alot of time crying over her. For me writing my feelings out on paper helped then I burned it. Then sometimes just stepping your feet back out makes a difference. Sure some people will not want to hear you aren’t over it. But you have to seriously figure out what works for yourself. Things will get better. Even just going to doing something to get out of your rut.

Answer #5

Ignore him/her and try talking to new people

Answer #6

Sounds to me man like you got plenty of closure. I had an ex say she was going to her moms for a couple hours and then just disappeared. I never spoke to her again and when I even tried to find out why she called the police on me. My closure was that she was a b!tch and a liar that threw my head for a whirl for nothing when I was nothing but good to her. But from what you said you guys at least had a chance to talk…and she even told you why she couldn’t do it anymore. Thats the most closure you can really hope for man. Everyone know the ‘reasons” a woman gives for ending a relationship are always a mask for something else. She may have met someone else. Even if she did screw her theres 8 billion other women to choose from.

Answer #7

Time : / I know its a sucky answer, but its true. I have found that the only way to completely get over someone is time or finding someone new. Sorry about the breakup, but it will get better.

Answer #8

wait.. time will help. dont dwell in the past n look for someone new

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