What should I do if I think my boyfriend is hiding something from me?

I stay the nite with them and when his texting he always do it so I can’t see the screen. Like he be laying on the stomach and ill lay on his back and he want text back. And his bring his phone with him everywhere and want ever let me see it. And he let’s me play with everything else!

Answer #1

ask him if u don’t wanna do that have a firend do it for you if not that then spy on him like if u two have facebook make a fake one and ask him then and fake like u don’t know him and see how he acts and stuff towards some one he thinks is not you

Answer #2


Answer #3

All that you can do is be straight up with him and ask him if he is hiding something from you. Ask him that his actions have been causing you to have this thinking and that you want to know what is going on and stuff. Also, he does have his right to be private, to have something of his own as well, i always carry my phone with me, everywhere, not because I’m hidding personal stuff in there, just because its my phone and people, even those close to me, have nothing to do with it. Just try talking to him and go from there, that should he tue first step, just talk it out.

Answer #4

Don’t spy on him, that’s just wrong. You don’t need to read every text he sends, let him have a little space. If you can’t trust the guy, you shouldn’t be dating him. Don’t try and be sneaky around him or he’ll think you’re trying to hide something.

Answer #5

ur welcome

Answer #6

i know but he use to never have it with him till about a couple of months ago

Answer #7

Im not sneaky and i want to be with him because i dont know whats he doin but if his cheating im leaving!!! And i give him more than enough space

Answer #8

Well, he has a right to not let you see his phone, since that’s his privacy & not everyone is totally open to letting people see their phones… but it does seem a little fishy. You’ll need to talk to him and be very upfront because something is amiss and don’t stop till your satisfied! Have you looked up the signs of a cheating person? If he’s cheating he is probably exhibiting more than one sign. http://funadvice.com/r/bfob13tkt0c

Most importantly though, you need to talk to him about it & remember if you lose him over asking questions, clearing the air, or making it clear to him what you consider appropriate or inappropriate behavior, then he’s not worth having.

Answer #9

you need to figure what hes hiding and ask him to be truthful with u..or maybe ask his friends or his family whats going on ummm and if u find that he wasnt hiding anything from…beg for forgiveness and make it up to him.

Answer #10

go to cheaters

Answer #11

Everything good I think thanks for everyones help

Answer #12

He’s probably a rapist.

Answer #13

If he is hiding something from you, he’s not being honest with you. Do you want a friend or lover who is dishonest with you?

There are ways you can tell if he is hiding something. He won’t answer you direct. He he haws, evades the questions, makes up indirect answers. Or he may be overly sweet with you. Another way is he spends more time with his male friends than with you.

What anyone wants, especially women these days, is a guy who when not working is spending his time with his woman, right. It’s alright to be with the fellows somethimes, but who is first or should be first in his life. You or them? Does he create the relationship on a daily bases, does things with you, likes and enjoys doing what you like to do, as well the things he likes. If you aren’t doing that…………..guess what, it won’t last. Look for someone who has values, especially in you and an honest relationship.

Answer #14

dont assume, its going to make you stress. just ask him and tell him to answer you truthfully. if you trust him you should believe him if you dont you shouldnt be with him

Answer #15

I don’t let my boyfriend go through my phone and I’m not hiding anything. its different than playing with an ipod or computer. Its way more personal. And sometimes you just need to keep a little bit to yourself instead of sharing it with everyone. He has every right not to let you see, ‘play’ with or use his phone or anything else of his for that matter. I suspect that if there was something of yours that you wanted to keep private, you would want him to respect that. Therefore, you should do the same.

Answer #16

yeah and WHEN he finds out that will be the end of your relationship. If you dont trust him enough to let him have a little privacy then you shouldn’t be with him at all.

Answer #17

That was. Days ago girl and I said everything fine And its up to me what I do sorry nut people stay in a relationship for worse things than me thankx but no thankx

Answer #18

hide some thing from him

Answer #19

Its fine we r fine

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