How do I convince my best friend who is a Tom-Boy to come to my 19th birthday party at a spa?

? She Really Hates All Feminine Things Someone Please Help!!!!!!

Answer #1

Normally when my best mate doesnt want to do something i just say ‘if your my best mate you will’ and she goes along with it :)

Answer #2

Tell her how much it wud mean to u if she were to join u

Answer #3

I think the best you can do is tell her you’d really love for her to be there as she is so important to you. I hope it works out and Happy Birthday, I hope you have a great day!

Answer #4

None Of That Worked She Laughed At Me And Said Never Sniff Sniff

Answer #5

Tell her she gets to play in MUD

Answer #6

Sadly That Didn’t Work She Said She Does That Anyways Why Pay Money For It.

Answer #7

To be honest, I don’t think you should try and force your friend to go somewhere or do something that she doesn’t feel comfortable with. If she doesn’t want to go, then just accept it. You can tell her how much it would mean to you, and that you really want her at your party… but you really shouldn’t try to force it on her.

Maybe it would have been better if you would have thought about what the people you would be inviting would enjoy at your party as well. Yes, it’s your birthday… but your not the only one who is going to be there. If it’s not too late, you and all of the people invited can get together and come up with a party idea that would suite everyone. You can all put in ideas, and just put all of them together for a super party.

Answer #8

This is a present from my aunt to bring me and my closest friends to an all day spa….i would say your right i should but to be honest its the one day in the year i do something for me and no one else….i would bend over backwards for her as usual if i didnt do it everyday for whatever reason…..and on her birthday i do things i dont like doing like an ultimate mud wrestling contest i hate being dirty and did that for her so i dont see it fair which is why i asked.

Answer #9

hmm, my best friend is a tom boy too and i know exactly what you mean! you should just be up front and honest with her and tell her that you would love it for her to come to your party but if not you understand. you could always plan to do something else with her another time? if she doesnt want to go then she wont be missing out on anything then otherwise she would of came, if that makes sense? :S but tbh a spa isn’t a really ‘girly’ thing anway, i know a lot of boys that have been to spa’s and enjoyed it, but i hope this helped! :S :)

Answer #10

if she was really your best friend, she would come anyway no matter how dreadful it might be for her, she should come

Answer #11

Im not forcing her…..but she is like my sister too be honest it would be weird if she didnt go…

Answer #12

It did thank you so much she was like fine ill go but im not doing certain things so we wrote the contract up thankies again.

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