Why do tall people usually date tall people?

Answer #1

Because its more comfortable to date someone closer to thr height?

Answer #2

So you don’t end up in a nicole kidman Keith urban situation where shes taller than him. It’s just weird if a tall person dates a short ass, out of proportion. But I guess no height comes in-between love!

Answer #3

Not fair…

Answer #4

Yeah I know. I am kinda short and I feel weird walkin down the street with someone who is 6 ft tall, I don’t let height stop me from datein someone just sayin it feels kinda weirs

Answer #5

aaahh, you made me smile…

Answer #6


Answer #7

So it’s ok for a tall man to date a shorter girl, but not ok for a taller girl or woman to date a shorter man, because it looks weird?

Answer #8

I think Ni’ nailed this one. She should know. She’s a 174 in height. Whatever that is in the states.

Answer #9

I didn’t say it looks weird I said it feels weird, I am 4’11 and for me to date someone that is 6 foot tall wud feel kinda akward, I didn’t say don’t do it I’m tryin to explain y a tall person wud want to date a tall person

Answer #10

I’m in the states and I have no clue wat 174 is either

Answer #11

I’m guessing she is either 5’8 or 5’9 & 3 quarters…

Answer #12

Im not too sure your getting most of my replies :) check back at our past convoy terry and you will see that i posted back, you just don’t get notified about it (: 174cm is about 5”8

Answer #13

oh, my bad.. I gotcha. So 5’9 is a giant to you? jk!

Answer #14


Answer #15

I’m on it Ni’….

Answer #16

It all comes down to personal preference. Not all tall people date JUST tall people, but some do find people who are taller than them or generally close to the same height more attractive.

I’m 5’9”, and while I’m fine dating girls that are shorter than me, I’d most likely not date any guy that’s shorter than me. I’m just not attracted to men who are shorter than me.

Answer #17

yay! :D

Answer #18

Lol, she means 174 cm. or 68.5 in. So basically she’s 5’8 and a half.

Answer #19

Thank’s, Annie! I didn’t know how that broke down…

Answer #20

actually im 5’3” and i always date guys taller than me by at least 6 in. its just a personal preference.

Answer #21

It is cute for a tall guy to go out with a small girl, however it always seems awkward when a tall girl is going out with a short guy

Answer #22

tall guy, short girl=cute short guy+tall girl= akward. looks dont matter though, they were born that way, they cant change it.

Answer #23

Girls seem to prefer guys who are taller than they are. I know a girl who is very tall, 190cm (that is 74.8 inches or 6 feet 2) and she wasn’t happy before she found a basketball-player who’d date her. An extreme difference in height will be a problem though. I mean, how do you kiss somebody who’s 2 feet shorter than you are?

I read a scientific paper once. They had made pictures of faces (computed, not real photos) and they made people say how attractive the faces were to them. The pictures varied as to the angle of the observer. The result was that most men regard a female face as attractive if seen from slightly above. And that most women regard a male face as attractive if seen from slightly below.

Answer #24

Yes, and then her friends will ask her whether she wants to smuggle her boyfriend into the cinemas in her handbag or something.

Answer #25

Tall people don’t notice the short people because they’re too low down to see.

Answer #26

im tall and i dated a short kid and it was just odd.. i felt uncomfortable all the time cuz i was so much taller then him.

Answer #27

aah, poor guy. Rejected because of height.. I’m 5’10. I asked this question for two reasons; 1. being, for some odd reason or another, I always wanted to date a tall girl &

  1. I only see tall people dating tall people. & now you just reaffirmed it for me. Tall people, mostly date tall people.
Answer #28


Answer #29

A[link removed] love you too!

Answer #30

Drats, censored again! That was supposed to say “Awww, I love you too!”

Answer #31

It’s awkward for a tall girl to date someone shorter o.o

Answer #32

not all the time tall guys dating short girls are becoming really popular at my school lol

Answer #33

dont have that problem ime only 5ft 2in cant have it all i suppose,haha,

Answer #34

It is easier for them when they want to kiss each other :-)

Answer #35

very true indeed lol but i would feel weird about it lol

Answer #36

hey whats wrong with being a short ass,haha,

Answer #37

awe gee thanks, ime 5 2ins, lol,

Answer #38

There is nothing wrong with being short.. I’m only 5’10.. Thats not that much taller than you..

Answer #39

Just keep wearing those Bette Davis heels :)

Answer #40

i bet u wouldnt swap tho,haha,

Answer #41

haha,how did u know+my wizard of oz shoes,

Answer #42

i would never swap for any height that is not mine because that’s not who I am :)

Answer #43

I would swap for any reasonable height that is not mine if it were temporary, because it’s fun to play at being someone else.

Answer #44

I want to see those shoes- take a picture., pleeaase…….

Answer #45

I have my ways ;)

Answer #46

well if the woman is taller than the man, its not “traditional”. But there are some relationships where the woman is taller than the man, it just might be a little akward. Idk thats just how it is :P :)

Answer #47

I am 5’ 10 and being tall has always been an issue when it came to dating. Being a women you want a man taller then you are. When I was in middle school through high school I was always taller then the boys and they sure didn’t want a girl who was taller then them. My daughter is going through the same thing. So, already being tall makes you date a taller person.

Answer #48

easier to kiss standing

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