Parents & Family Questions

  1. Can I move out at 14 in my sutuation ?
  2. How can I get my family to stop bothering me
  3. Im scared my step dad is a rapist
  4. How to tell mom you want to move out?
  5. My Mom will not help my cousin out
  6. I wont go back home
  7. Set me free
  8. My Mom said I am a mistake
  9. Good candidate for emancipation?
  10. How to convice your parents to let you get a laptop
  11. How do I tell them?
  13. How can I stop my mother from hurting me with things she says?
  14. How can I help my niece get free from her mother?
  15. Why don't my parents love me?
  16. How can I stop my brother from teasing my kitten?
  17. What can I do when I hate my family?
  18. A question about mothers...
  19. My parents treat me like a little kid and im almost 14!!!
  20. Cheating dad
  21. Whats the best song for this...
  22. Dad won't let me go to a theme park with my friends
  23. Deaths, can't stop crying
  24. Cell phone how to convince them
  25. I'm getting Married and I'm afraid to move out
  26. I want my Mom to see me get married
  27. What do I do after losing my Grandpa?
  28. Parental isues
  29. What do you think about people that want to kill themselfs
  30. Digging myself a hole by lying
  31. Best way for parents to show...
  32. Help find my dad
  33. 15 and pregnant
  34. I Need Mom Help!
  35. Depressed over miscarriage.
  36. Moving out legally at 14
  37. I hate my mom and she hates me
  38. Shall I move away from my mum?
  39. 15 year olds getting pregnant?
  40. Disown or live with the worst
  41. I just got caught smoking pot
  42. mom problems
  43. well my parents dont let me do anything???
  44. my mom refuses to believe me when I am sick!
  45. Something might not be right with my brother.
  46. stepdad saying he won't do anything for my kids?
  47. How to get my mum to stop looking through my stuff?
  48. My sister..
  49. is it a good idea for your kids that are 15 to have babies?
  50. My best friend's Dad hits her.
  51. Parents divorcing
  52. Overprotective mom
  53. Intrusive mommy
  54. Anyone have siblings that are favored by your parents?
  55. 16 and I've gotten my girlfriend pregnant, what to do?
  56. Is it wrong that my mother is more like a sister to me?
  57. 17 with no freedom!
  58. Crazy siblings!
  59. How to get my parents to like my boyfriend?
  60. My older brother hates me
  61. How do I get away
  62. Fighting with my brothers
  63. Unfit mother & child custody
  64. I am 15 do you think I should give up my baby?
  65. Child custody
  66. If I am pregnant can my mom make me stay in HER house?
  67. How to tell my mom I got pregnant?
  68. 24 year old not allowed to have freedom.
  69. Abandonment Stories
  70. Emancipated?
  71. When it all falls apart
  72. Moving out tomorrow
  73. Does anyone have childhood memories?
  74. Getting over sister going to!!!
  75. Child custody
  76. Telling my Mom I'm pregnant- again
  77. steps to becoming legally emancipated.?
  78. how old do you have to be to move in with non family members
  79. mom reunion wedding
  80. 16 and need out of my house whats a legal way to go about that?
  81. Should I try to get in touch with my sisters and brothers?
  82. should I live with my dad or my mom
  83. How can my mom support three kids alone?
  84. I just found out I'm a father, what do I do?
  85. My mama is pregnant, should I be happy or sad?
  86. do I go or not
  87. How can I obtain my father's phone number?
  88. I don't know what to do
  89. What should I do 2 read this ill put more detail
  90. What should I do..??
  91. I hate my gramma and brother
  92. If your dad divorces your mum and marries a man, is the new man your stepdad?
  93. No money for mom's birthday
  94. How can I talk to my dad about going to six Flags?
  95. My Mom made me break up with him
  96. Should I tell my parents?
  97. Would it be possible to find birth parents in China?
  98. My mom is?
  99. How come it is "What I say goes"? when it comes to parents?
  100. If the laws after a runaway