Should I tell my parents?

Hii everyone,

Im 16 years old, just to clarify. Exactly 6 months ago this boy that I have serious feelings for asked me to be his girlfriend. He has never had a girlfriend before and said he has been wating for the right person. I told my parents and they said they dont want me having a boyfriend. Its been 6 months since then now and he has asked me again, I still really really like him , and think I may even love him. What should I do? Should I ask my parents?? Any advice will be very much appreciated xxx

Answer #1

Parents are your guardians until you reach the age of 18. Going against them could result in more stricter dating rules. You need to sit down & talk to them, and show them you can be responsible.

Answer #2

if you like him… or you see your futer in his eyes you should then be with him in a relation ship there wouldnt be a 3rd person thats your own life and you no how to deal with it good luck dear

please exse my engls

Answer #3

Well do what you feel is right!! When I started dating My mama didn’t want me too!! I was interdused to a different kind of stress(at times)and new worries. Your 16 two years older than I was you should be ok!!!

Answer #4

Love is a strong word - I wouldn’t quite say that but you probley do really like him. You are 16-years-old which I think is a good age to date if this a responsibility you think you’re ready for. I mean if you two still like each other after 6 months then there is obviously something there. It’s time for you to make decisions on your own and do what’s right for you. Maybe introduce your parents to him so they can get used to him being around. You don’t really need your parents permission to date someone, they just need to know your mature enough to take this on, and responsible enough. I mean your parents need to realize there are some kids out there having sex, getting drunk, and doing drugs at like 14-years-old… having a 16-year-old wanting to date someone after 6 months should be a relief that it isn’t something horrible. Good luck :)

Answer #5

hey I went threw a similar situation. and I went for it. and it blew up in my face. my parents don’t trust me and I lost most of my priviliges. bc they didn’t trust me. they still don’t let me do a lot of things bc it will take a long long long time to get their trust back but it will never be the same..

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