I just got caught smoking pot

I just got caught smoking pot, my parents are flipping out. What do I do to calm them down and let them know ill never do it again?

Answer #1

I’d keep apologizing - you broke their trust - you’re going to have to work very hard to regain it again and demonstrate you can be responsible - they’re hurt, they want the best for you…hope all works out positive.

Answer #2

exactly same thing thing happened to me yesterday. I’m so devastated. just listen to some jamiroquai. Meh. Just picture yourself in a couple years time when you can live somewhere else and do what you like.

Answer #3

Anyway. screw them. I think that parents should only have 1 rule. get good grades and I don’t care what you do in your free time. If you can sustain a drug habit and get good grades then you can sustain a well-paying job as well. If you can’t then your going to have to cut back or quit. good luck

Answer #4

Well, your parents must not be too bad if they didn’t ground you from the internet. I would have!! Sounds like they are pretty cool. Sit them down, tell them you know what you did was wrong, and you will never do it again. Also tell them you will do anything they want to prove it to them. Good luck.

Answer #5

Yeah so to everyone on here who is freaking out at him for smoking pot… YES. it IS bad for you. but that is HIS CHOICE. so leave him alone.

to answer your question, just give them some time to cool down. when they’re calmer, tell them you have something to say. say that you know you made a big mistake, but you were just curious and you felt like you’d fit in better if you did, but you realize now it isn’t worth it and you won’t do it again. tell them you’ll do anything to build back their trust.

if that doesnt work, start crying or something and maybe they’ll feel bad for you…? haha I don’t know. never been in that situation before. but yeah. good luck.!

Answer #6

You’re parents are worried for you. The effects short term of dope smoking may be enjoyable but sit down and consider the truth of the long term. You will become paranoid,nervous and shaky,you will lose track of reality and urgency,your senses will be dulled,your ambition stunted. Give it intelligent consideration based on who and where you want to be and what else you could be doing in your life today. Then go and sit with your parents. Discuss with them your thoughts and reasonings. Show to them that you want to communicate and you are capable of acting with forethought. Hopefully you might even be able to reassure them that you are choosing to not go down the path that they are fearing and they will learn to trust you again.

Answer #7

Hey fnck the people who are degrading you because you have smoked pot before. You did it for your own private reasons, which are none of their business. Anyway, it will take a long time for them to trust you again, but it will all work out eventually. Just don’t try to do things and cover them up, actually earn your trust back. It takes awhile but it is worth it. Remember, show them don’t tell them.

Answer #8

You really shouldnt smoke that, just think if you carry on doing that, 20 year down the line you will have lost you’re mind, I’ve walked past people in the street who are clearly fooked up out of their minds through years of taking drugs, now you might not think Pot is dangerous, but its still a drug, it messes up your body. Okay enough of my lecture lol, only you can decide what to do for the best, it all depends on what relationship you have with your folks.

Answer #9

just be quiet and do what everr they tell you : ]

Answer #10

well, I dunno. you chose this for yourself so now you have to suffer the consequnces

Answer #11

Unlucky lol

Answer #12

I just got caught today too, and lost everything. I am 17 and my parents took away the car, sports, trips for the summer, everything. Losing all thats not worth a joint

Answer #13

your screwed thats disgusting you pig how cld you do that to your poor body how many times have you did it???

Answer #14

dude smoking is fine, don’t listen to these people. and to calm your parents down just say you will never do it again witch you probably will and tell them your sorry

Answer #15

If I where your parents I would have you arrested. I’ve smoked pot several times but the reasons where a little bit different than your I’m sure ! You seem like you have good honest trusting and loving parents that care for you but there has to come a point in your life where there are consequences (horrible speller)for your actions and its time that you step up and be a young adult . there is nothing wrong with exploring but its what you explore that can lead to the problems! appologize profusly not that that will make things better its going to take a long time before they will ever trust you again .As a parent and a teen this is probly how they feel! we have failed our son when we sent him out in this world we sent him out with our trust and our love hoping this would be enough to detour him from making STUPID mistakes like this we thought him every thing we could and WE Failed because HE Failed. As parents we feel like we are a part of you when you make a mistake we make a mistake> there not going to stop “flipping out “ because you failed but they will still love you uncondinitionally . It works it sounds stupid but it works show them your posting and all the responeses.Let them know you know you made a mistake and appologize and ask them to help you because you have a problem !

Answer #16

I was caught today. I’m also 17 and I lost everything. I have never seen such dissapointment on my mom’s face. It was awful. I am quite angry at myself for this mistake. I understand it is fun…but it is still illegal and can really hurt those around you. I learned the hard way.

Answer #17

I know how you feel, I just got caught today with a friend. But I think all you can do is show them you want to be a good person so get good grades and try to do the right thing. Personally im not going to quit only for about 3 or 4 months. Just try to regain their trust and to calm them down be like “ At least I wasn’t doing acid” or something like that

Answer #18

Wow all of these people are stupid here haha. I don’t smoke weed, but its not such a big deal! people think its the worst of the worst but it isen’t. trust me its a lot better to smoke weed than cigarettes. well im pretty sure your parents are cool with you know but in reality all you had to do is give them a reason why you did it and look at them right in the eyes and just say “I messed up and I just want to apologize for my actions…” in reality thats it…

Answer #19

If I where your parents I would have you arrested. I’ve smoked pot several times but the reasons where a little bit different than your im sure ! You seem like you have good honest trusting and loving parents that care for you but there has to come a point in your life where there are consequeinces (horrible speller)for your actions and its time that you step up and be a young adult . there is nothing wrong with expolering but its whta you expoler that can lead to the problems! appologize profusly not that that will make things better its going to take a long time befor they will ever trust you again .As a parent and a teen this is probly how they feel! we have failed our son when we sent him out in this world we sent him out with our trust and our love hopeing this would be enough to detour him from making STUPID mistakes like this we thaught him every thing we could and WE Failed because HE Failed. As parents we feel like we are a part of you when you make a mistake we make a mistake> there not going to stop “flipping out “ because you failed but they will still love you uncondinitionally . It works it sounds stupid but it works show them your posting and all the responeses.Let them know you know you made a mistake and appologize and ask them to help you because you have a problem !

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