What do you think about people that want to kill themselfs

Ok a lot of teens complain and complain and they just talk about how theyr lifes is full of crap and about how much they want to die, I think that is horrible and a really backstabing thing to do to your parents and people that care about you. Some people think “my parents don’t give a crap about what I do” well trust me if they didn’t want you they would have never had you, birthcontrol and abortion exists you know and also adoption. Now I don’t mean to offend anybody but really people need to be carefull about what they say. Some people aren’t as lucky as some of us, some people are actually fighting for theyr lives, and some are so unlucky that an inexpected accident might have taken theyr life. Really people need to think about others that are just barly hanging on and need to start apritiating life because anything can happen in a heart beat. Life is a beautifull thing and we need to make it the best we can

Answer #1

I think we all at times have our ups and downs - that’s why attitude, family stability, and faith are so very important in my opinion - some info on self-injury: http://www.helpguide.org/mental/self_injury.htm

Answer #2

I kinda no what you mean, but still agree with the majority who say it’s not, I’ve come close, but guilt kicked in and I realised I had to keep fighting, I have a lot of caring people around me. but some don’t

Answer #3

The way I look at it its so selfish to do and an easy way out of life the way I look at it that thers always someone else worse off than u!!

Answer #4

I think that its stupid! I think that if you are going to kill yourself than you are waistin a life that you could make SO MUCH BETTER! On your own! I think that even if you have a horribe life, that you shouldnt! But its totally retarded if people are so stupid just because they don’t get along with rents and are spoiled!

Answer #5

In the Army a Friend wanted to commit suicide.. So I handed him a Razor.. said go to the bathroom.. do it in the bath so he would not make to much of a mess.. he was shocked.. he never did it.. sometimes the best way when you hear a threat is to say well do it and not care.. cause a person truly wanting to commit suicide wont tell you.. they will just do it.. people talking about it are just looking for attention..

Answer #6

Firestorm, please stop giving medical or therapeutic advice, you obviously have no training or any idea what you’re talking about.

It is a myth (that has well been researched) that someone who is truly suicidal wont talk about it. There is a reason therapists take talk of suicide very seriously, because often people who talk about suicide end up attempting it.

Answer #7

uhmm… well yea great idea… g oand tell suicidal people how ungreatful they are… thatll save them all…

Answer #8

As someone who has suffered from depression for the majority of my life I can honestly tell you that I am aware of how selfish suicide seems from the outside. But think of it this way; I am 20 years old and have been clinically depressed since I was 10, my family has suffered greatly watching me struggle with this debilitating disease. I have tried therapy and drugs and herbs and vitamins, I have hidden it from everyone, and I have been open about it. But the hits just keep coming.I recently dropped out of school because I am unable to focus or self motivate enough for higher education. And at this point when people ask me about my future its all I can do not to break down in tears because the truth is I don’t want one. I just want my family to be happy and I know that for them to have to continue to watch me suffer isn’t fair; they only want my to be happy, but that isn’t just isn’t in the cards for me. So why should my parents have to watch me waste my life, when a car accident could so easily end it and my organs could be donated to others to save their lives. My family would never have to know it was a choice and I could actually help someone instead of just wasting space on an already overpopulated planet.

Answer #9

In the Army a Friend wanted to commit suicide.. So I handed him a Razor.. said go to the bathroom.. do it in the bath so he would not make to much of a mess.. he was shocked.. he never did it.. sometimes the best way when you hear a threat is to say well do it and not care.. cause a person truly wanting to commit suicide wont tell you.. they will just do it.. people talking about it are just looking for attention.

o my god if your in the army im sure you too some suicied trainning. every threat must be treated seriously. I fyour comander found out im sure you would be cort martialed

Answer #10

Ok I get that for a lot of people its hard and theyr lives are complicated, but you can always make it bettr. There is always someone ther who cares and if you have a bad time work to make it the way you want, its true I don’t have it bad and that maybe its easy for me but it hurts watching so many people specially kids to throw theyr lives away, that is an insult to god, he will forgive anything but that. We all have the chance to make life as awsome as we can and I understand that its rought sometimes but fight to make it bettr. God is always ther for you and if you think that nobody cares well think again because I do, it brakes my heart to c so many people die when ther are so many oportunities out ther. And you may think what ever I don’t care about what some stranger thinks but one person can make a lot of difrence and yes its corny but its true, with a positive mind and actions you get positive things

Answer #11

And the ignorance of the initially asked question just p!sses me off. I was suicidal and was going to kill myself one day but my mom found my note before I had a chance to go through with it. She didn’t know how serious the situation was until then. She liked to think that we all had this perfect life and nothing bad could ever happen. But she found out how my father had abused me for my entire life in various ways and she realized that she saw the signs of abuse and depression long before and decided not to confront my father because it would mean that our perfect little world wasn’t exactally perfect. She realized what had happened and what would continue to happen to her other 4 kids if it didn’t stop. Luckily my mother took initiative and got me help. Other people arent so lucky. Suicide isn’t selfish, its desperation. And your ignorance just proves that people don’t understand unless they’ve been there.

Answer #12

not always… I mean you took a big risk there. What if he had done it? Wouldnt you feel like sh!t? I wouldnt suggest telling someone to just go and do it. Some people are smart enough to tell someone when they start to feel that way. If he had truly been suicidal and came to you for help your response would probably make him feel more alone and unwanted. Luckily you friend is ok.

Answer #13

To start out, when you say that this is back stabbing your parents, I have to say, it isn’t true. I’ve been in a situation where I was physically, verbally, and a bit sexually abused by my parents. Since I have a disability which is a visual impairment, I didn’t think my parents or any of my family cared about me. I wanted to comitt suicide as a teenager and part of this life since my father was doing allot of touching, fondling, and such. I never felt my parents or any of my family wanted me around since I was adopted. Now, I have people in my life to support me, then I don’t feel the sense of depression, or suicidal thoughts. You just don’t understand how some of us feel when we’re not wanted by our parents, or other people since it seems like you never been through family trauma. I’m going through counseling to help me forgive my family. You don’t know what I went through growing up and you probably don’t know what’s like to be molested by your father as an adult. You need to be careful.

Answer #14

You’re talking about someone who is sick… no one chooses depression, no one chooses to want to end their life, you can call it selfish, you can call it stupid, but unless you really understand the thought process, or have been there, well then you honestly have no idea what you’re talking about. You say it’s backstabbing to your parents. Well what if you believe they dont want you around (ok and please, a lot of people have kids they dont want, otherwise child abuse wouldnt exist) or you believe them wanting to keep you around when you are in so much pain is selfish on their part? There are a lot of things that need to be taken into consideration, and your myopic view of the situation is as bad as theirs…

Answer #15

People can’t help the way they think sometimes. Sometimes people’s life are crap and they can’t deal anymore. It’s not a backstabbing thing to do. It’s stupid when nobody tries to help them. I used to feel suicidal and I’ve tried to kill myself twice. I never thought anyone cared about me. Nobody tried to get me help…nobody cared. It’s not selfish or anything like that. What’s selfish is those that don’t care and complain about those who are suicidal. (Luckily, I’m not suicidal anymore. Realized that I got too much to do. Still got a lot of life to live.)The people that complain about those who try to kill themselves don’t understand what it’s like. They think everything is all good and that and that everyone should think the way they think…life doesn’t move that way.

Answer #16

Depression is a mental illness though. No matter how lucky they may be, there is something in their life that is so difficult for them that they can’t see that. That’s why they need supportive people in their life to help them. I agree that sometimes people who have a lot going for them are depressed, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t have the right to be. Everyone gets upset for different reasons. And not all parents care, that’s a very ignorant thing to say. People get abused by their parents, sexually, physically, and verbally. You just need to look at it from their perspective- there’s probably something going on that you don’t know about. And maybe some people do have it worse, but everyone is different, some people can’t handle a lot.

Answer #17

Well how you said they were backstabbing their parents and people who care about them, ummm. thats kinda the opposite of what they feel. They feel that no one cares, no one will, they’re alone, and will never make it. I know this becuase I used to be one (MAJOR counceling took place at that time) Why do you THINK they want to do that? They are constantly feeling put-down, they are being misunderstood, and are treated like c*. I still am, but I no longer have those thoughts. Thank god! But, apparently, YOU have a perfect life, don’t cha? Well, not everyone’s life is perfect…

Answer #18

You know I had a friend who just passed away last week due to suicide. And so I am really into reading what peoples opinions are on it. Now I have came up with my own. I think suicide is dumb. Why end your life just because a portion of it isn’t going the way you want? In a since going through with it is almost like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum for not getting their way. Or others say its a way to seek attention, or even a medical condition. Everyone is different and all those or none of them could apply to a certain person. My friend was bashed. People were saying oh he’s no man look what he did, left his wife, son and unborn child behind. “No man would do that!” In fact I call him a man because he actually went through with something that most people do only talk about. Everyone looks at their specific situation way different then the next person. And it is a sad cruel way to get out of things when it gets tough, but just think about how rewarding life is when you live and conquer what you once thought you couldn’t. Now thats something to be proud of! Rest In Peace Ryan :(

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