I hate my mom and she hates me

I hate my mom and she hates me. Me and her always fight and fight every day! She even wrote about all the fights since I was little. She yells at me at school and in frount of my friends and everywhere. thats way I always sleep over at my friends when ever I can. She is only nice to my little brothers, I hate being the oldest sometimes! I only love my dog,dad,cousins,aunts,uncles,grandparents,friends, etc. Please tell me what to do???!!! thanks for listening!

Answer #1

Realize she’s the only Mom you’ll ever have - you won’t always be there for each other, life is short - do your best to be good to each other - you can’t control her end but you can yours…I wish you the best !!

Answer #2


Answer #3

trust me she loves you mo matter what meybe she is going under a tremendous amount of stress ( lost of parents do ) just bare with it for a while and if she gets out of hand ( like hitting u ) you must tell someone!

Answer #4

Mii mom and I have also bin arguing a lot lately >_< and the other day I told her I hated her and I immediately regretted it because altho I may think I hate her or that she’s tryna ruin mii life I noo she cares about me…I just don’t get along with her tew well right now..atleast you cud get away frum it I can’t because I moved soo I’m no where near mii frends..idkk what advice I cud giv you because I’m going threw the same thing but just don’t say you hate her because deep down you don’t

Answer #5

I hate my mom to I hope she gets in a car acadent and dies.

Answer #6

ummm…welcome to my world.

Answer #7

Ayy,I have been through the same thing and geuss what!!she is mad at me right now.now show your motha some love and do the right thing and not the negitive.

Answer #8

Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

Welcome to Fun Advice!

You don’t really hate your mom and she doesn’t hate you. You both just hate the fact that you each disagree with the other and haven’t found a way to overcome that. You BOTH need to come to the conclusion that it IS OKAY and to agree to disagree.

She is your mother, attempting to raise her oldest child, a daughter, in the best manner that she knows how.

You are a teenage girl wanting to be FREE and to have the right to make your own decisions.

Your mother probably knows best for you in the long run. You THINK that you know best for you in the short run.

I think that it is time for you and your mom to sit down and CALMLY discuss each of your goals and expectations in relation to you. Maybe looking at things by each of you from each of your perspectives would help each of you to understand where the other is coming from.

I’d like to suggest your dad, but that might create disharmony within the family, so I’ll suggest that if you and your mother have one of your female friend’s mother whom you could respect, then maybe you two could use her as an arbitrator at certain times of disagreement. She would be able to look at the situation with the likelihood of being neutral.

You are at a time in your life where rebellion is natural. What you need to do is find a way that you and your mom can sit down and calmly discuss situations rather than either or both of you simply flying off the handle.

You each need to learn to respect the other’s opinions and values even if they may seem to be wrong.

The best I can do is to suggest that you TRY to understand and help out your mom. It is no easy task to run a household and try to provide the proper guidance to several children. I imagine that she is really doing the best that she can, the question is: Are you doing the best that you can (not just for you but also for the family)?

Best wishes and good luck in growing up and achieving that that you want to achieve.

Answer #9

Hate is a strong word - I wouldn’t use it against your own mother. It’s all being a teenager and raising a teenager. Maybe you are contributing to these fights without realizing it, I’m almost positive it’s not all her fault. Maybe you should try and resolve the fights instead of making them worse and handle it as an adult.

Answer #10

Well, you see, there’s not an easy way to accept it when you believe your mother hates you. My mum hates me so much that tonight, she threw me into a wall and stepped on my stomach till I cried because I told her that she was irrational and had no reason to take away the phone that was a birthday present. I told her that I hated her, and she said that she was stupid. All we ever do is a fight, and I’m expected to feel so sorry for poor Mum. She called me sick, twisted, and evil, and it hurt. Like I said, all we do is fight. Your mum probably doesn’t hate you. Mums are supposed to love their kids, and any decent parent does. There are things wrong with mine is all. Just try to make things okay with your mum. It’s too late for me, but there’s still hope for you, so much hope. I know you can fix it. ~Waltzing in the Rain

Answer #11

Waltzingintherain Please get some help from some responsible adult person. Your Mom stepped over the line and is abusing you. Talk to a counselor, priest, or a responsible adult relative, but get someone’s help on this. She may just need some counseling herself, but you need to get out of this situation as soon as possible. There are a lot of caring people out there who will help you, you just have to reach out to them. Once you are in a safe environment, then you can work on healing your emotions. Take care.

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