My parents treat me like a little kid and im almost 14!!!

My parents treat me like a little kid. I spent the day wit my neighbors. one is a boy thats my age and one is a little girl(8 years). we went to the playground nearby and me and this guy are only friends thats all. we have been hanging out a lot and my parents think that we like eachother. we dont. we are friends. it is so annoying I explained it to them but they dont believe me. I know that they are only looking out for me but it is really anoying. what do I do???

even if I did like him why wud it b such a big deal… im freekin 14!!!

Answer #1

I get that… I’m 16 and my parents never see my view point on anything. The way I deal with it is to say “yes” “okay” and “sorry” to almost everything they say; and I just answer them back in my head or say my would-be replies later when im on my own. The reason this works for me is because I know I could deal with being an adult and living on my own if put into that circumstance. They still want you to be a kid because for them time is flying even though for us its going SO slowly. But this is because a year to them is a very small proportion of their lives and to us it’s like a 14th of your life. I think as we grow up we forget what it was like when we were younger… I’m trying not to do this and remembering that in our world today we’re exposed to the media which makes us grow up a lot faster than they did when they were kids. This is hard for parents to understand but just remember they can never see what you think or get into your mind; thats YOUR place; the place that is private even if they walk into your room without knocking and try to pry into everything you’re doing. Maybe try pointing out what kinda guy your more into… say for example “mum, dad I dont like the guy next door like that; id prefer someone with more muscles/who’s more mature.” Anything along those lines as it will probably work and show them YOU have an opinion too. Also treat THEM like adults too… even when annoyed try to see things from their point of view and dont argue with them but show you see both sides. For example they’re getting at you for watching the tv too much just say “look I realise its not good for my health but I find it interesting and it teaches me more about life (and give an example of something you’ve learnt in the programme).” This may not always work but if you keep up talk like that and just say the normal “sorry” if they accuse you of something. Then carry on with what you’re doing so they realise you’ve heard, taken note of it and aren’t (even if you are) annoyed with them. It makes you look more responsable and hopefully get them to treat you more like an adult. :) good luck with it all! I hope this helps

Answer #2

your parents are worried that you will get into a mess and end up getting hurt by this guy…If you think of it from their point of view they have no reason to believe that you dont like this guy…I meen look your hangin out with this guy a lot lately and hardly any girl would come out and tell their parents that they like some one…I think that you should still hang out with this guy and just ignore what your parents say…They will eventually forgett and stop careing.

Answer #3

“almost 14” is still a kid, lol

That’s why you’re being treated the way you are.

In a few years you’ll be glad they treat you this way.

Answer #4

They’re trying their best to look after your best interests - they love you and Care - many, many parents don’t - be Thankful - won’t be long before you’re on your on.

Answer #5

I know how you feel my parents do not want me around guys at all cause they think I’m going to get pregnant or something. ( I do not want kids ) I’m 14 & in college I have a brain of my own I can make my own decisions but they still treat me like a little kid.

Answer #6

parents suck!

Answer #7

well my mother is a total control freak, im 14, almost a sophmore in high school, and my mom STILL wont let me go on dates, I asked her earlier about a doubel date, and I politely informed her that none of us can drive so we wouldnt be going anywhere and she threw a major B*TCH fit. we were planning on going to the mall and seeing a movie with another couple and she thinks that we have bad plans, and wont let me go. she said quote: “its like being pissed off that you cant drive.” well mom, no its different. DRIVING AT 14 IS ILLEGAL!!! dating is inevitable. help please, my email is

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