I just found out I'm a father, what do I do?

what do I do this girl came to my house and said this baby was mine and pulled a baby out from under her coat and gave it too me I dont now what to do.. help me pleese!!!

Answer #1

If DNA tests determine you’re the Father, step-up, take responsibility, and do what’s best for the baby…I wish you the best !!

Answer #2

How come on another question you’re telling us that you’re too young for sex and now you’re saying you have a baby? Just wondering which is the truth or why you’re lying about both (which I think you’re doing). It’s not funny or cool.

Answer #3

First of all, your profile says you’re only 14 Also, your recent advice to people has been offensive and unhelpful, to say the least

Now, you expect us to believe that a girl “pulled a baby out from under her coat” like a bottle of whiskey

I think you are a troll

Answer #4

Take care of the child,get a DNA test done.If it turns out not to yours,drop the kid off back with the mother along with the papers. If it is yours be the best parent you can be. Women love to see fathers being fathers!!

Answer #5

Are you sure it could be your child? You should find out if the baby is yours before you do anything. How old is the baby? Did the mother just abandon the baby with you? Do you have the baby right now?

First, you need to calm down, babies might be a little scary but they’re also little people who just want love.

Second, is it possible that you could be the father? Use the babies birth date and go back about 40 weeks.

Third, if it’s possible then you need to get a paternity test done.

If the mother abandoned the baby with you then she could lose all rights to the baby.

Take care, and good luck

Answer #6

Take a DNA test. Its expensive but its cheaper then a baby!

Answer #7

if your 13 or 14 your probably living with a parent .

Answer #8

I don’t know. take it to a fire station and then tell them you don’t want it ok.

Answer #9

yer thts true “too young for sex” “out of a coat” cumon this site is for real problems but if you r telling the truth then just love the baby and take care of it thts all you can do!

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