Cell phone how to convince them

Ok im 13 and everyone ik has a phone and I’ve been trying for 4 months straight to get them to let me have one. I’ve tried everything and I mean everything so if anyone knows how to convince them plzz help me

Answer #1

As a mom I too was just faced with this horrid challenge! When I was growing up, cellphones didn’t exist (outside of on saved by the bell lol) so there really aren’t any rules to go by as a parent as to when to issue your child a cellphone.

My daughter is 8 y/o and I just recently bought her her very first cellphone. This may be something that your parents would look into as I know it sold me.

I bought her the pink Katana from Sprint (thats my provider) - I chose this phone as it allowed me to place restrictions on it. I can control who calls the phone, who she calls, and I can block text messaging (which she currently has unlimited due to great grades in school), web access, etc.

Instead of simply begging for a phone, why not look into their service provider and see if there are any phones that allow a bit of parental control.

Answer #2

dont worry, not everyone has them a lot of people have them even if they dont need them if you need one, they should understand needing one means you go out places with friends, ect and need to contact your family or tell people wree you are, if your ok, who your with ect also good for when your at a part or something needing one doesnt mean you HAVE to tell your friends everything thats going on when your going to speak to them the next day at school at 13 I wouldnt recomend a brand new flashy phone because its unessessary for your rents to pay for pictures, music, the internet, ect when you probably have that stuff at hoime …try a second hand store that sells electrical equiptment you can get them for a lot cheaper and theres some pretty new models that people throw away, when they go to upgrade to the next model so look into getting a second hand phone for a lot less and because its a lot cheaper to buy, that might convince them

Answer #3

I don’t know…but if I had a 13 year old daughter, I’d want her to have a cell phone…with restricted credit of course…to be used in case of emergency.

Answer #4

I have been begging now and im younger than you so what I did is I have asked 4 it on b-day christmas evrey holiday when they ask what you want.

Answer #5

Get a job. Hard to do at your age but when I was that age I picked fruit and berries (depending on season) maybe if you pick enough to buy half, your parents will let you get the other half? Mind you this job doesnt pay hourly wage, it pays per weight. If they dont let you and you earn enough to buy one, you may gain a nice big notch up in your parents repect for you, often comes in handy in future crisises.

Answer #6

Just wait one day you will get one

Answer #7

They know you best and the reasons why - you’ll be able to soon no doubt - some info: http://www.billshrink.com/

Answer #8

if they are letting you go places by your self then you might tell them that if anything happened you would be safer if you had one

Answer #9

Well, give your parents more time to think about whether or not they want you to have a cell phone. I’m almost fourteen and I got my first cell phone several months ago. I talked to my parents convincing them to get me a cell phone. I lost it…I know you might say you wouldn’t lose a phone, but I said the same thing as well. Your parents would have the responsibility to pay for a cell phone, so let them decide. Don’t rush them unless you have a job and you the financial stability to pay for it.

Answer #10

well do you ride a bus at school… well you can ask your parents to buy you a cell and say that if you miss the bus you can call them and stuff…and if they want to know where your at just tell them you need a cell to stay in touch…and to be safer…

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