Parents & Family Questions

  1. My parents NEED HELP URGETLY!!!
  2. I badly need help please please please!!!
  3. How do I get my brothers less protective?
  4. What should I get my dad for fathers day?
  5. Clothes problem with my sister
  6. being kickedo out
  7. Does anyone here not know who their biological father is???
  8. Drunken mishap
  9. Can I move my-self into fostercare???
  10. I have to move out of my house soon
  11. Can I sue my father?
  12. My mum is making me suicidal
  13. My Question is about what age is good too have a baby?
  14. is anyone else on this site legally emancipated?
  15. can I move out in ontario at 17?
  16. How to go about moving out?
  17. My parents are getting divorced...please help
  18. how can a person gain self confidence?
  19. Is this considered abuse???
  20. Leaving Home at 17?
  21. Aloud out later?
  22. What is a way to or is there a way to get a smellof pee
  23. My pointless live
  24. How to rearrange things with my dad
  25. my new bunny?!
  26. How do I tell my mom I was Raped
  27. My mom is very...
  28. about emancipation for texas
  29. Leave underage.
  30. my effed up family
  31. I think I should just stop talking to him
  32. How would you react?
  33. My grandma thinks I'm mean to her, what should I do?
  34. Trouble with my dad
  35. Please read I need help(whole story)
  36. Cheating Mother.
  37. Legally leaving home
  38. I wanna live with my dad but I dont plan on tellin my mom ?
  39. Silent Treatment for Many
  40. world war 3 is gonna happen if I stay
  41. Independency has to break
  42. How do I get my brothers back
  43. How to live with someone you can't stand
  44. Why does my boyfriends brother want to see us kiss so badly?
  45. How do I handle my dads girlfriend?
  46. How do I?
  47. I think my brother's desperate and obsessive.
  48. How can I convince my parents to let me get my monroe?
  49. Should I be mad
  50. How To Tell Dad and Stepmom that you want to live with your mom
  51. What do I do when my 2 older sisters are being very rude to me?
  52. I just found out my 1st cousin is a prostitute what do I do?!
  53. Allowances how much???
  54. Mom died in April and Dad is dating already
  55. What can I do about her?
  56. Did you hate?
  57. What can I do anymore?
  58. My Parents Won't Keep Their Promises
  59. My brother saw me naked
  60. Sister Emancipation
  61. How do I convince my parents to let me get contacts/piercings?
  62. want to go home now my family wants me back home
  63. Why doesn't she listen to me annymore
  64. I think my 2 year old might have been molested
  65. Revenge
  66. Moving out of State
  67. texas transfer of guardianship forms
  68. dont know why my husbands family have to be so backward
  69. A Dad and Mom Question
  70. Move out at 16
  71. was it wrong to lie...and is it my fault??...
  72. Folks Are Getting Old
  73. Moving out
  74. My 35 year old son won't get a job
  75. Im like a dog around the house
  76. Moving out before 18
  77. How do I get some attention from my parents?
  78. Parent/step dad
  79. 1st cousins, 2nd cousin?
  80. Can I leagally move out of my moms place?
  81. My half sister - twin ... no way
  82. is this illegal?
  83. My dad hates me
  84. I want to live with my dad
  85. anyone's mom get pregnant with you at a very young age?
  86. My so called real dad and his family
  87. How to find this
  88. Sisters!
  89. my mother keep
  90. What should I do about my parents?
  91. Unffair emails
  92. My dad
  93. My sister is a B***
  94. Do we even look related?
  95. How to hide a recently pierced belly button from your mom.
  96. What are the legalitys of Running Away
  97. Whats happening?
  98. What is the purpose
  99. Pool partyy at my housee. How will I sleep for test 2mm?
  100. Come Over!!!