is this illegal?

I told my mom I wanna get face piercings and she said she would make me take them out the day I got them and since your suppose to leave them in for like 2 week your like 100% gunna get an infection is that illegal?

Answer #1

Not illegal at all - you’re a minor - she’s the parent - looking after your best interests - when you get of age, you can make your own decisions.

Answer #2

I would go for it if I were you. In the summer holiays so you have long enough for them to heel and don’t have to take them out. Tell your parents why you want them. I have 6 on my ears and 1 on my nose and getting middle of lip and mesuda along with a tatto in 4 weeks. If they still don’t like the idea. Get it done , your legally old enough so everything should be fine. But make sure to not let them get infected or else your get the hole parent talk about ‘ohh I told you not to get them pierced because they would get infected’ etc etc… x

Answer #3

actually its 3 months that you need to leave them in a piercing is a wound, and no wound is healed in 2 weeks as for your mum although at your age your old enough to get them by yourself without a parent if your still living under there house, then really its there rules and if its something they dont want you to have, it might be best to wait a bit but really your old enough, so they should accept it as for wether its illegal no, its perfectly legal its just as legal as a teacher making you take facial piercings out at school so the best thing to do would be to wait until you leave home

Answer #4

@amblessed, it says he was born in 1990…seeing as that it’s 2009, he would be 19. Not underage.

Answer #5

get a retainer for it

Answer #6

You can always put them on during the day when she is not there & night when you sleep,the hole want close

Answer #7

nope its not Illegal for you mom to tell you to take it out, if your living under her roof.. you have live by her rules too..

choices are, wait till you move out. or do it anyway, but be careful, since you are legally an adult.. and could go do it on your own..

you mom could kick you out of the house..

be clear on you choice before you do it

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