Moving out before 18

I am 16, im not happy with my life, mostly because I was given to my grandparents by the judge when I was born, I still see my mother though, my dads a drunk, and my grandparents are total assholes, I never get any respect, and they never trust me and I havent done anything to make them NOT trust me, I DONT GET IT!!! When I see my mother, I dont want to go home, I REALLY want to move in with my mother without involving a judge, and I dont know how my grandparents would take it, I dont know what to do and Im at my complete breaking point. Any help?

Answer #1

Trust me if you go up to a judge and ask for emancipation you will get laughed at by saying your grandparents are mean to you. The only way you can get emancipated is if your grandparents are putting your well being in jeopardy. If you are still in school your chances have gone down even further. You also have to make a considerable amount more then minimum wage.
I skipped my junior year, graduated second in my class and made 9.50 an hour and still had to wait till I was 18.

Answer #2

lucky you I wish my grandparents were still alive I would beg my parents to let me live with them, I hate my life I tried everything to get rid of it to end it but at the end this is what I learned… to be PATIENT, so this is my advice to u, be patient and evrything will pass by like wind

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