Folks Are Getting Old

My parents divorced when I was 15. Dad remarried to a woman who makes his life miserable. His health isn’t what it could be and he’s forced to work 7 days a week as a driving instructor just to make ends meet (and they’re not) My precious mother is even worse off. She lives on social security. 2/3 0f her income goes toward rent and bills just keep piling up. I’m in no position to help them as I’m struggling with health problems and don’t work. My question is; what can I do to help make their latter years happier? What do I have to offer that I may have overlooked?

Answer #1

You need to look outside the money situation until such time you’re in a position that if you can and want to help that way you can…

In other words — you can offer yourself and doing things for them… That will go a LONG LONG way towards making them happier.

No, it wont solve the money issues, but there’s a LOT more to life than money, even if it seems otherwise.

What better as well as no money required things can there be than what you offer them… What better way to honor them, than to give back to them…

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