being kickedo out

I’m 18 been my parents little girl for my entire life now im being kicked out I dont know how to handle myself int he world the world is a scary place

dose anybody have any advice for me? what is the first thing ‘besides getting a job’ that I need to go… im so scared.

Answer #1

I was kicked out when I was 16 my parents had enough of me , I stayed with a friend while I got a job and a place to stay , what I would say to you is not to panic , things always work out , you may have to swallow pride for a while but keep your wits and head you will be ok . I was , and years later my parents who I have a decent relationship with now told me how proud they were of the way I handeled myself , and let me tell ya that was some pay off .

Answer #2

ummm im not surre.

go talk to friends, other family. still live your life normally. if you dont have a good paying job, I suggest you spend your money on bills and neccesities first then if you want on the things you want…or save it.

ummm thats all I got=[ sorry.

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