My parents are getting divorced...please help

Today…has been…the worst day of my life… My parents are getting a divorce…and decided to tell me right before I was going to go to my swim team practice… I got there 30 minutes early so I could jump in the pool before anyone saw my crying. This may not be a question…but if anyone has ever been through a divorce situation…please message me…I’d like to talk about some things…thank you.

Answer #1

my friend had this happening to her all I can say is dont cry it may be hard now but things will get better! and when one of the two moves out make sure you’ll always get to see both of them often . be happy please x

Answer #2

The best thing for you to do is set your parents down and tell them some ground rules of your own. Most parents try to pin each other as the “bad guy” and try to make their kids pick a side; hence, making it harder on the kids. Tell them you don’t want to hear one or the other bad mouthing each other and not to put you in the middle. You have the right to pick with whom you wanna stay with. If you’re not comfortable with that then maybe you should stay with a relative until they get their sh*t straight. Divorce is hard on everybody and don’t be ashamed or embarrased to shed some tears in front of people. After all your world as just been turned upside down and if people can’t understand that then the hell with them. Hope this helps and good luck. If you need a ear just holla.

Answer #3

your parents splitting up isnt easy but you will get used to it my parents split up a while ago and now my mum is splitting up with my step dad so its kinda like going through it again just not as bad and as for what ibelievee said about not crying thats not exactly helpful.. you cant stop yourself from crying and sometimes its best if you let it out dont bottle up your feelings and if you are finding it really difficult try talking to family members about it and friends who might have been through it before so they can help you out

Answer #4

I would see this as a positive thing, your parents can restart their lives, find new happiness. Change is a good thing, even though it’s so turbulent and hard on us. I can’t begin to know what you are going through, and sympathise. All’s I know is that my parents stayed together, and hated each other, and argued for hours every day all throughout me growing up. I can’t imagine the psychological damage this has left me with.

Answer #5

How old are you honey? When did this happen?

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