What can I do anymore?

My mom and dad actually don’t love me. My mom calls me a whoe all the time. Which is not true the farthest I have gone with a guy is a peck on the lips. She says I dress like a whre I wear capris, tee shirts like not low cut at all most are at my collar bone and barely any makeup. A little mineral powder to cover up pimples clear lip gloss and mascara. I am almost 14 now. She says I am a fat fuking whoe. She says that nobody likes me. She says I am a worthless piece of s*it and I feel like it too. She actually says she hates me and could never love someone like me. My father hates me too. He slaps me and says I’m a failure. Also that he wishes that I was never born. My mom cusses me out all the time in public and I front of my friends. She never trusts me. I am really not that bad to them. I clean the whole house all bathrooms all bedrooms do the dishes I make dinner and I do mostly everything. Both of my parents don’t work and haven’t since I was about 3. All they do is sit around all day. I pay for my own stuff. I just want to get away from them so badly. What can I do anymore? I just want to run away from everything…

Answer #1

don’t tell the people at school or at the jail they are just gone talk 2 you and arrest your parent s you should move and talk a really close relative and try 2 keep a distace from them because they mit try 2 harm you when you leave they will really no what they are missin and no parenr should put ther chlild down or say things like that thay should love you no matter what

Answer #2

o my I am really sorry do you know anyone you could talk to like a teacher or trusted adult to see if they could help u out of that type of enviormen but I am really sorry I you ever want to talk to some one just funmail me k!

Answer #3

hey mate, I think the best thing to do would be to talk to your school counsilor or a teacher who you really like, they will be able to give you a lot more help than someone from the internet. also DO NOT listen to what your parents say about you! you sound like an amazing person who has show strenght and maturity far beyond your years. don’t run away, talk to someone. good on ya mate.

Answer #4

wow that’s deep ! is this true ? well don’t run away ! this is just teaching you how not to be when you grow up ! when you grow do not be anything like them ! be a good mother ! like they say (whos they I don’t know) everything happens for a reason ! this is toughin you up I geuss ! or opening your eyes to thing so when your oldr your not as nieave (spelling error) learn from it ! just think about in a couple years you will be gone for good ! AND IT COULD ALWAYS BE WORSE ! Try lookn at urself and callin urself pretty a lot to !

Answer #5

My Mom is very similar to that but she doesn’t say quiet the same thing but it still hurts, so I can still realte. If you want them to pay for what they did then talk to people like teachers or child aid workers.Or because you are almost 14 just wait until your birthday. When you turn 14 you can pick to live with a friend or family member.If that makes you feel like you are putting a burden on their shoulder than when you are 16 you can live with yourself as long as you have means of suport and a place to live. If you need to know antthing else ,, Funmail me.

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