Kids Questions

  1. When she starts ballet, will she be with smaller kids?
  2. How do I get primary custody of my son?
  3. How do I get my boyfriend to help disipline my kids?
  4. What can I do I have a one month old baby whos teething?
  5. Who thinks my sister dying 5 yr old hair is wrong?
  6. How do I get my 9 month old baby to gain weight?
  7. How do you get a breastfed baby to take a bottle?
  8. How do I get my fiancee to have a baby with me?
  9. How can I support a baby at 14?
  10. Why:--people say im a child?
  11. What is a good nickname for nevaeh grace?
  12. How to entertain a 1 and 2 year old for 5 hours?
  13. Why do I want to have a baby?
  14. What is this on my toddler??
  15. Should I stay away from my stepdaughter?
  16. What do I do with my 8yr old daughter?
  17. Why do I feel like this?
  18. What my baby will look like?
  19. When is a rude disrespectful daughter too old for a spanking?
  20. What to do when I babysit two little girls?
  21. What can I do while babysitting 3 year old boys?
  22. Why is my tenager so unruly??
  23. Which is the best way to punish your child when he/she misbehaves?
  24. What jar food should I not give my sixth month with acid reflux ?
  25. What do you think about a lesbian having a baby?
  26. What percentage of children are born mute?
  27. How canI get my mom to let me have a sleepover?
  28. Why am I the one having to sort this out?
  29. how can I not be bored very quickly?
  30. What should I do while babysitting a 5 yr old?
  31. How do I babysit 6 kids at once, is it hard?
  32. How do kids get a book published?
  33. what can be done so we wont have to pay child support?
  34. What do you want to name your future kids?
  35. How to make a lego gun?
  36. What do you think of this baby name?
  37. what do you think I should do to have a baby when my fiance doesnt?
  38. What ever happened to that old disney show "alice in wonderland"?
  39. What are some fun things to do with my neighbors nephew?
  40. How much breastmilk/formula should my 6 month old be eating a day?
  41. What should I do about my over protective cousin?
  42. What would you never name your child and why?
  43. How to talk someone out of naming their kid blue?
  44. What should I do with a terable 2 ?
  45. What are some baby sitting ideas?
  46. What names would you suggest?
  47. How can I get my 3 year old off the bottle?
  48. What are some good ways to calm down a 9 yr old?
  49. What happens to adoptive parents if they neglect the child?
  50. what somethin fun that I can do with my 13 mon old?
  51. What time is right to tell my 5 yr old my husband is not his dad?
  52. How do I make my 3 year opld more social?
  53. What to do when you suspect a foster child is being mistreated?
  54. How do I get my son to sit on the potty without throwin a huge fit?
  55. What are my odds of twins?
  56. When should I let my 11 yearold get her nose pierced?
  57. What age is to early to potty train?
  58. How do I get my 2 year old to feed himself?
  59. What do I do about my kids?
  60. Why do I hate children, is there something wrong with me?
  61. What fun things can I do with my 13mth old daughter?
  62. What to think of the baby?
  63. What is a good age to have your first child?
  64. How can I convince my daughter her boyfriend is wrong for her?
  65. How do I know if my child got a fever?
  66. What hurts you more handspanking on bare bum or belting on jeans?
  67. What age is it ok to have a sleepover with boys?
  68. What? Is it bad to not want my baby to be born on 9/11?
  69. What is a good song for my babys funeral?
  70. What should I do, stay home with my baby or go back to work?
  71. What foods can I give/make my daughter that will help fill her up?
  72. What do you think? Should a child be able to speak up?
  73. What should I name my daughter?
  74. What is the big deal with having my baby on 4/1?
  75. How much support should I give my teen daughter?
  76. How ; baby sitting 3 and 4 year old... Help?
  77. What to do when daughter behavior changes for boy?
  78. Why do I really want a baby at 13?
  79. What are these bumps on my 3yr old???
  80. How can I keep my three year old in bed all night?
  81. How do I get my little cousin to calm down and listen?
  82. What are some violent children's shows?
  83. What's a good Middle name?
  84. How to teach my daughter piano?
  85. How to know if your daughter is ?
  86. Is it legal for my ex's girlfriend to spank my son?
  87. How do I bond and interact more with my 2 year old son please?
  88. When you adopt a child can the birth mother let him live with her?
  89. Why do I feel so sad about my son growing up?
  90. Who is CPS to tell anyone how to raise a child?
  91. What can she eat?
  92. Why doesn't my baby want the bottle, will she starve herself?
  93. what are some good baby hippie names?
  94. What baby names to chose?
  95. how would you raise your kids?
  96. How do you act like a teenager???
  97. What do I do when my sisters teen wants to move in with me?
  98. What do you think? Split custody?
  99. What can I do to stop my little girl calling me by my name?
  100. What does it mean when your daughter...?
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