Parents & Family Questions

  1. Can parents extend the age of adulthood?
  2. How can I be anorexic without my family finding out?
  3. How can I hide a word that I carved into my arm?
  4. How can I deal with my parents always fighting?
  5. How do I become emancipated?
  6. How can I find my father for free?
  7. Can I get taller?
  8. Why haven't I cried after my Great Aunt died?
  9. How can I find someone to live with to escape abuse?
  10. How to get my parents to be less strict?
  11. Can I move out at 15 and live with my sister?
  12. What's it like to be emancipated?
  13. How can I get my parents to give me space?
  14. Can I choose who I want to live with if I hate my parents?
  15. Should I feel guilty that my Mom has a boyfriend?
  16. Am I supposed to think that my Mom will love me anyway?
  17. Can I move out at 18 if I'm still in high school?
  18. Is my childrens' father selfish?
  19. Can I move out legally at 16?
  20. How do I convince my parents to lower their standards on my grades?
  21. Can my Mom force me to get an abortion?
  22. How to get my Mum to be less overprotective?
  23. Can my friend's parents take him out of school and make him work?
  24. Is she my second or third cousin?
  25. how to tell your dad something
  26. How do I tell my parents I am moving out?
  27. Can my parents make me live at home with them?
  28. How to spend time with my family when I work all the time?
  29. Am I being selfish for not wanting to move?
  30. How can I convince my Mom to help me out?
  31. im 14 in nc n i need to move out!
  32. How can I move out at 14 to save my life?
  33. Can I move into my boyfriend's house?
  34. How can get my Mom to let me date?
  35. What do you call a strict parent?
  36. Should I have a curfew at 17?
  37. How to stop my Mother from being so controlling?
  38. Do you think I should be allowed to move out?
  39. How do I convince my parents to let me be in Playboy?
  40. How can I convince my parents to let me transfer schools?
  41. What can my parents do if I run away?
  42. How can I explain s*x to my 11-year-old sister?
  43. Can I be emancipated at 15 and then adopted?
  44. Can I leave home at 15?
  45. Did I make the right choice not moving?
  46. How can I get my brothers to be nicer?
  47. How can I get my family to respect my religious views?
  48. Can I request a custody change in court?
  49. How to tell my Dad I might be pregnant?
  50. How can I get my parents to calm down about my child's father?
  51. Is it okay for my parents to snoop?
  52. How can I get my parents to support my interracial relationship?
  53. Why are my friend's parents acting like this?
  54. How do I get my brothers to love me?
  55. Should I move out or try to stay home?
  56. Why are my friend's parents doing this?
  57. Should I move out or not?
  58. What to do about my attraction to my Mother-in-law?
  59. How can I keep my parents together?
  60. Am I financially stable to move out?
  61. How do I tell my Mum that I smoke?
  62. How do we tell our families that we're getting married?
  63. How can I deal with my baby's daddy's wife?
  64. Can my parents take away items that I've purchased?
  65. Should I kick my 23-year-old daughter out?
  66. Can I legally date my first cousin?
  67. Should we tell our Mom to leave our Dad?
  68. Am I doing the right thing by living with my stepdad?
  69. Can I move out at 17 in Georgia?
  70. Can my parents stop me from dying my hair?
  71. Should I let my Mom divorce my Dad?
  72. How can I keep my family happy?
  73. How do I convince my parents to let me have a boyfriend?
  74. How can I tell my Mom I was raped?
  75. Should I tell my parents that I have a boyfriend?
  76. Can I divorce my Mom in Alabama?
  77. How can I help my 5-year-old nephew?
  78. Can I legally move out of my parents' home?
  79. Can I move out of my house at 16?
  80. How to get my parents to chill about my shopping choices?
  81. How to get my new Mom to stop being mad?
  82. Do my parents love each other?
  83. How can I cope with the grief of losing a loved one?
  84. How can I get my parents to let me have a life?
  85. How can I get my parents to love me as much as my sister?
  86. How can I stop just hating my life?
  87. How can I get my Dad to do more around the house?
  88. How can we get a bigger home?
  89. Is my friend allowed to move in with her Aunt?
  90. A note to Mandy Moore
  91. How can I help my parents' marriage and stop my Dad from cheating?
  92. Can I move in with a friend when I'm 17?
  93. Is independence everything it's cracked up to be?
  94. How to delete my Mom's Mypsace?
  95. Should I wait until my kids are grown to get out of this marriage?
  96. Is telling the truth snitching?
  97. How can I get rid of my lazy stepdad?
  98. What if I might be pregnant and I'm only 15?
  99. How can I let my parents realize that I'm grown up?
  100. Can I legally move out at 16 with my baby?