How to get my Mum to be less overprotective?

My mum is really over protected .. if she see’s me wearing a low cut top with my boobs bouncing out she comes up to me and starts pulling my top up .. im 16 and she still treats me like a child .. she says to me ‘Your dad doesnt want to see them’ and im like oh my god, give me some space. When i tell her it’s MY body she says whilst im living under her roof i’ll do what she says. ;/

What can i do?

Answer #1

How dare she take her duties as a parent seriously - how dare she look after a 16 year old’s best interests - how dare she Love you enough to really care - maybe you should trade her in for one of those who could care less about you - not be there when you need them, etc…but…I think I would be Thankful…Take care !!

Answer #2

Yes I would be happy if I were you also. I mean your actually lucky to have a mom that is caring about you. I love and respect my mom, in my eyes she is PERFECT. But hey, my friends mom doesn’t even care if she has 8 piercings already and she’s 16.

5 in her ears (that she pierced herself btw cuz she’s stupid) nose piercing, eyebrow piercing, and a tongue piercing. It looks totally retarded but she was so desperate to become the “wh*res” (at our school) new friend that she did that to herself. She drinks, smokes pot and cigarettes. And her mom knows this, but she just doesn’t care anymore because she let Krysta (my old friiend) get out of control… because she didn’t care enough.

I don’t know about you but comparing the two of you I think you have it WAY better…

Answer #3

Well, moms are really like that. Sometimes they get overprotective…But I believe that it’s really for your own good. They can’t give you full space because they know that you can’t decide on everything by your own. About the top thing, I think she’s just being concerned of your appearance. Parents don’t decide on something that they know is not going to help their child. You should appreciate the things your mom id doing for you…

But if she really is getting to personal, maybe you should have a one on one conversation with her. You need to explain that you are now 16 and you could make some independent desicions. Also before saying that, tell your mom that you really appreciate the things she did for you. Then you could tell her gently about what you want her to do…

I’m sure she’ll understand…

Take care!

Answer #4

You should be thankful that your mom cares about you. But if you really think she is getting out of the line, confront her BUT properly and politely. You could say, “Mom, I’m really thankful that you care for me but I now can make decisions of my own. I know I am old enough and I know what I am doing.” Show to her that your independent and does not need her full guidance.

Answer #5

Respect your mom more. She’s just trying to look after you. You are SO lucky to have a mom that cares that much. My mom actually buys me tops that are very low cut. but i don’t think she knows that they are very low cut. But either way, your too young to wear tops that show your boobs bouncing. As you put it.

Answer #6

Hi the thing is its all about respect, respect for your parents and respect for yourself, as a mum of 2 teenage fashion concious daughters I to tell them I dont want to see them wearing clothes that show to much flesh and they would’nt want me to wear anything unsuitable its embarrasing. when you are dressed this way its the first thing that people notice usually, and its sends a message people make these judgments automatically how do you want to be perceived?

Answer #7

SIgh, roll your eyes, complain, but somehow try to remember that as annoying as she is, she is a good mother.

Being respectful to her, your father, and yourself while at home is important. She doesn’t have but 2 years left to have any control over you. Humor her. Let her be a mother. Then when you are out of her sight and your boobies pop free to bounce around some more, remember what she has taught you and make good choices. You will be a good mother one day and will have your own to thank.

Answer #8

Guess what brunettexxbaby you are still a child. Obey your parent. Their house their rules. If you can’t respect your parents why should they give you space?

Answer #9

It’s natureal yes but we have a thing called modesty. . Keeping ourselves covered. You look very pretty. I’d think you could catchthe guys with your eyes alone. . . or are british guys that blind?

Answer #10

She even does it out in public .. in front of EVERYONE. At the end of the day it’s my body, i dont pull her top up in public .. I respect my mum but doesnt respect me.

Answer #11

well i dont no but goodluck!!!

Answer #12

Thats what my mum said. But i was brought up to beileve it’s natural .. but she sends out the message to me that it’s not, and makes me feel like a slapper.

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