How can I move out at 14 to save my life?

I know im 14 and I know I can’t afford a place of my own but I can stay with friends and I’v saved a few hundred to pey them for taking me in. But living with my family is hell THIS ISN’T THE NORMAL MOTHER DAUGHTER ISUES!! I’v seriously consider just running away comiting suiside and oversoasing anough to get me out of this house even tho it would meen risking death. Also this isn’t something I’v desided in5minutes I actualy seriously need to move out if I want to reach 15! any sugestions please tell me. and please don’t bother telling me to stick with it till I can move out at 16 I wont live that long if I try… please

Answer #1

Seek council / help from a trusted, competent adult…I wish you the very best !!

Answer #2

call childline 0800 11 11 11 … move out as soon as possible with ur friends.. just get urselfout of the dangerous situation and thn u can work out wat ur actually goin to do .. good luck with everything and i hope for ur own sake ur okaii .. love xx

Answer #3

Get EMANCIPATED or call CPS on them they will haev to investigate and then talk to you but then they may have to put you in foster care but idk but if a friends parents will let you stay with them then talk to them adn see what they say

Answer #4

You really should contact your school councelor, child protective services, or other. If you have other family you can live with, then generally, you can move out & live with them if you get the government’s help.

Child protective services can be reached by contacting your local county attorney’s office & asking them, or looking them up online for your city/ state, or a phone book.

Answer #5

well I was going 2 say 2 wait but I understand u can’t live that long. here’s what I say: don’t move in with your friends if they’re under 18 because moving in with teenage friends (especially if your a teen) may conflict with drama and as a teen drama will get your f riends upset and they will want u 2 move out. if over 18 then its ok. to get your part of the rent, wait 10 weeks. work a 60 hour week for $4 an hour. you’ll make $240. do this for 10 weeks and u’ll get $2,400 to start of with your friends. if u move by yourself, get a decent one-bedroom apartment and work a 70 hour week for 35 dollars an hour. work all week.

Answer #6

emancipation would be the best option then..

Answer #7

You should really try to talk with other family members first before you do any of these other things afore mentioned, and leave and go immediatly to them. If there are no family nearby or family at all, then you should CPS immediately so you can be removed from your dangerous situation. Do no become a statistic please, live another day and live to be old and gray girl.

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