Questions & Answers

  1. Are there any good bands coming to Ohio?
  2. What's so great about this site?
  3. Where can I get jays tickets?
  4. How do I become a singer?
  5. Do terrorists mean it or is it an idle threat?
  6. How can I gain 5 kg in a month?
  7. How can I get my ex back?
  8. Why is the dollor more costly than Indian rupee?
  9. What color makeup should I do for Prom?
  10. What is the scariest movie you have ever seen?
  11. Does my girlfriend want more?
  12. How to get my girl to come back?
  13. How to get over being mentally tired?
  14. Is it normal to be always hungry?
  15. Can I put semi-permanent pink dye in my brown hair?
  16. Do diet pills actually work?
  17. How do I stop cutting without having to go to counseling?
  18. Will he be embarassed if he gets a boner?
  19. How can I get this girl to fall in love with me?
  20. Can I move out at 15 and live with my sister?
  21. How can I purchase a black widow spider?
  22. What's it like to be emancipated?
  23. How can I get my parents to give me space?
  24. What to do about my son's behavior?
  25. Should I give up on him since he seems shallow?
  26. How can I stop being so depressed?
  27. Where can I get a good pregnancy test for cheap?
  28. Does he feel the same way?
  29. Has anyone heard of the movie "December Boys"?
  30. How big will my puppy get and what do I do about his injury?
  31. How to make chili?
  32. How can I help my friend make better decisions?
  33. How much water would a person drink to get water poisoning?
  34. What's the song about stopping for Miss Pearl's sweet tea?
  35. How do I convince my Mom not to put the dog down?
  36. How do you cure an infected peircing?
  37. What should I do for my upcoming 18th birthday?
  38. How do I focus when I'm so bored in class?
  39. Can I choose who I want to live with if I hate my parents?
  40. What's the right way to hook up?
  41. How can we encourage people to ask more questions?
  42. How protective are condoms against pregnancy?
  43. Am I finally pregnant after trying for two years?
  44. How can I tell her how I feel?
  45. Can you download flash games from the Internet?
  46. How far in the vagina is the hymen?
  47. Which direction do I choose for my life?
  48. Is this pushup bra from Victoria's Secret good?
  49. How to lose your stomach fat?
  50. How to know your boobs are not sagging?
  51. How to remove paint from clothing?
  52. What substance gives plants their green color?
  53. How do I get my eyebrows to grow back normally after plucking?
  54. How long should I wait to dye my hair after perming it?
  55. Am I pregnant or just getting my period?
  56. Is it safe to dye your hair two days in a row?
  57. How do you lose 18lbs in 4 days without exercise?
  58. How do I migrate my Pokemon Ruby to Pokemon Diamond?
  59. Is Miley Cyrus in the news as Vanessa Hudgens is?
  60. How can I get back at my ex and friend?
  61. Has Chlamydia caused us to be infertile?
  62. So how much is actually taken out of a paycheck for taxes?
  63. How can I help my 17-year-old daughter?
  64. How can I help my daughter see that she deserves more?
  65. How to watch Rugby World Cup live on my PC online free?
  66. How to fix bumpy skin if moisturizer doesn't work?
  67. How can I dye my soft black hair to dark brown?
  68. Should overweight employees be penalized?
  69. How do you help others get healthy?
  70. Should I feel guilty that my Mom has a boyfriend?
  71. Mandy, how do you deal with body image issues?
  72. Would starving myself help me lose weight?
  73. How can I gain weight in my boobs and butt?
  74. What can I snack on that will keep me feeling healthy?
  75. How to get around Myspace blocked in school?
  76. Should Shoib Akhtar be banned from cricket?
  77. How are earthquakes formed?
  78. Is it normal to be bisexual at 15?
  79. Is my belly button ring infected?
  80. What makeup and nailpolish should I use for Prom?
  81. Why don't I have any ejaculation?
  82. How can you get rid of cellulite?
  83. How do I bring up a 40 in Social Studies?
  84. Mandy, will you be coming back to the Philippines?
  85. How to make homemade silencer?
  86. What are the bumps on my boyfriend's penis?
  87. What were these bumps on my vagina?
  88. Are there cleansers that will help keep my open pores clear?
  89. What is the name of this song and the singer?
  90. Which is better for blogging, blogger or wordpress?
  91. Am I a psychic or psycho?
  92. Why is the sky blue and clouds black?
  93. Is it best to buy a car toward the end of the year?
  94. How do I see someone's private Myspace without being their friend?
  95. What type of concerns should a new home buyer have?
  96. Is keeping pepper spray a good decision for girls?
  97. How do I find someone's e-mail address in Myspace?
  98. Is my boob size normal for my age?
  99. What is lard?
  100. Can you prove or disprove God in Scientific terms?