How can I tell her how I feel?

I’ve known this girl in class for awhile and I guess I like her. When I go try to ask her out I chicken out. I think she may like me but I have no clue. When I try to tell her how I feel about her all I can say is stupid things. I admit I’m not popular but this girl is and I still think that shouldn’t matter. Someone help me!!!1

Answer #1

awww your cutee justt go up to her and ask 4 her number and if she can textt texxt herr..

Answer #2

Letters in general are corny (my point of view). The thing that will most likely make her say yes to you asking her out is being confident. You have to grow a pair of balls, just for that moment (if you’re shy in general or whatever) and just wing it.

If you see her alone in the hallway or something (and if you guys have talked and you’re friendly with one another, then this wouldn’t seem weird and freak her out) just run up to her and be like, “Hey, what’s up?” Try having small talk (you need to plan what you’re going to say otherwise you look like an a$s) and then throw in, “Would you like to get together some time?” I wouldn’t say, “hey wanna go out on a date?” If you simply say, “we should get together sometime” (in an innocent but confident way) then it could either mean one of two things to her:

  1. You wanna go on a date (which couldn’t be bad if she likes you already)
  2. You just wanna chill with her in a friendly fashion (u guys could get dinner or see a movie or loiter around a shopping center [I dunno what you young teens like to do nowadays])

If you make it seem like #2 then there are so many opportunities for her to like you or like you more if she does already. You two would, preferably, be alone and you can get to know one another better without any interruptions. If it’s going REAL smoothly then maybe stuff will go down; you never know. Just go with the flow and be CONFIDENT.

The one thing you don’t wanna say is, “Hey wanna be my girlfriend?” out of the blue, lol. Hope this helps. Cheers!

Answer #3

well if u end up saying the wrong things, then u should probably write her a letter. try not to sound too corny because u’re usually take more time putting down ur feelings on paper and don’t try to perfect it oo much. good luck

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