How far in the vagina is the hymen?

okay, well, I’ve read other questions about this, but honestly, how far in the vagina is the hymen aka ‘cherry’? I’ve read responses saying that once the p enis is in the vagina that your virginity is gone, but I have been to a gynacologist for birth control (regulates period), and the doctor was able to tell if if was a virgin or not. WHICH I AM, btw. so, I’m thinking you need your cherry popped to not be a virgin anymore? anyways, that’s not my question, my question is, how far in does the p enis or finger have to go in to pop the cherry, and if I were to choose to do it myself, how would I go about doing that? (the reason I would like to do it myself is so I don’t have a chance of bleeding during sex, that might scare me)

Answer #1

Maybe break it yourself by starting off using one finger, then 2, then 3, etc. Even if you have no hymen when you have sex, may hurt the first time because it’s new. But not as bad as everyone says; if you’re relaxed and lubricated it doesn’t hurt.

Answer #2

but the question was (the reason I would like to do it myself is so I don’t have a chance of bleeding during sex, that might scare me) exactly I dont wanna bleed like thats just gross right? but I guess its just a part of the whole situation but I’d just rather not bleed durning all that like I wouldnt wanna bleed on his sheets or something.

Answer #3

she is right its a thin layer of tissue around the opening if your vagina, I dont know why they call it a cherry it looks nothing like one… the dr should know if you are having sex as this gives them an oportunity to help you with having safe sex… they are not going to yell at you infact they may give you condoms before you leave mine did… in any case, Its not cool to lie to your dr I work in the medical field and I cannot tell you how many times I have seen girls come in with STDs that didnt know it, and lied about having sex… and all the while were spreading it around. I hope this helps, dont worry about your Cherry, just be honest

Answer #4

omg I feel the same as footballgirlx3 and thatonegirl231. can I break my hymen myself. im so scared about bleeding + pain when I have sex!!! please help… does everyone first feel like this when there virgins? HELP!!! thank you. x

Answer #5

Omg . I feel the same way about thatonegirl231 . I’m not really into losing it with a boy because I’m afraid that I’m going to cry from the pain and want to stop right away , and I’m also afraid that the bleeding is going to make HIM want to stop . So I thought if I broke it on my own I won’t have that problem . I read on another page that if you can stick your finger in , the hymen is gone ; I can do that but I’m not sure if that even true . Can someone PLEASE explain how you can tell if you don’t have a hymen anymore ?

Answer #6

First time sex doesn’t hurt that much. Sure, it’s a little uncomfortable, and stings a little, but it’s nowhere near as bad as it’s cracked up to be, so don’t worry. Not everyone bleeds. I lost my virginity this week and I was shocked at how little the pain was, and I didn’t bleed at all, or feel anything that indicated that the hymen had ‘popped’. As long as you’re relaxed, take your time, and are well lubricated, it shouldn’t hurt much, and chances are, you won’t bleed. The hymen is on the outside of the vagina, just behind the opening, so it is easily broken. Everyone has different types, some have none at all. So don’t worry about doing it yourself, chances are, it’s already been broken without you knowing. Hope this helps :3 xxx

Answer #7

Inch & a half to 2in

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