How to get my girl to come back?

we were together for five years and have a two year old son and she need’s space. Then she decide’s to go stay at here mom’s leaving me with the child.How do i get her to come back for me and our child.She thinks her school,freinds,cousins are more important than us where do i start?She is comming over tomorow to spend the nite. she told me that,but im not gonna hold her to it.please help me with this

Answer #1

The decision on whether or not she returns is truely up to her. The best thing you can do is put everything out on the table and let her know exactly how you feel and try to figure out what best for the child right now. If she does come over then I would suggest spending quality time as a family, but the two of you also need one on one time to talk without the child being present. Communication will be key.

Don’t pressure her about it to much though, you might make things worst. Just questions in general anything that might give you any idea as to what might be going on. Like…If something is going on that you aren’t aware of, if things are better since she’s moved out? Hope everything works out. Even if the two you don’t end up together (hope that’s not the case) you have to do what’s in the best interest for you child. Best of Luck.

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