What's the right way to hook up?

i dont know the right way or how. and me and my boyfriend have been going out for awhile. he keeps trying but everytime i pull away and hes starting to think its because i dont love him. so pleasee help me out

Answer #1

I dunno if this is just me, but when I think of “hooking-up” and when I’ved “hooked-up” with girls, either one or both of you are single (preferably both of you are single, otherwise one of you is cheating on someone, lol)…

Any particular reason why you pull away? You don’t have to love them to the point where you’re going to marry them. But feelings should be present when you guys do stuff. And if feelings are present then it should come naturally. Start with kissing and if you both enjoy it, then just do what comes naturally and/or whatever feels good for both of you. It can consist of anything from kissing to s3x (unless you set limitations). I set limitations when I hook-up with girls mainly cause I dunno them THAT well and I don’t need to contract any diseases. Hooking up CAN lead to a relationship, as one of mine has in the past (bad idea, if you originally only wanted to hook-up and not want anything else) You have to make things clear from the get-go (whether or not you want to be in a relationship at the moment. I have a tendency to go on and on so I’ll stop. Hope this helps, even a little. Cheers! :D

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