Religion, Spirituality & Folklore Questions

  1. *Buddah and God*
  2. Do you think a Christian should read Twilight?
  3. Do you Think that religion is stupid?
  4. Why should I believe in god?
  5. Creationism, world was created in 7 days?
  6. Do you really believe in guardian angels?
  7. Religiosity and stress?
  8. Spiritual leaders?
  9. Christians forcing their religion on atheist really?
  10. How to become a vampire
  11. Meditation work to help you even if you are not, say buddhist?
  12. How were we created?
  13. What is an athesist and a pathesist
  14. Why do people believe the bible?
  15. Do you believe in God ?
  16. Why cant athesist learn tolerance and freedom of thought
  17. religious ed
  18. Secular Great Awakening?
  19. End of the world.
  20. Religion problems
  21. What should I believe in
  22. What should I believe in
  23. how many people here would verbally bash me if I said...
  24. Why doesn't God smite down Satan already?
  25. have you ever experinced ghosts?
  26. Salvation
  27. Why do Christians bash each other?
  28. why are we living? and why do people believe in god?
  29. Is Satan a metaphor for Gods darker side?
  30. Why won't God give me the relationship I want?
  31. Are christians, christians out of fear???
  32. the three wise monkey's names?
  33. Scientists vs Christians
  34. Anyone have no religion at all?
  35. I don't get this
  36. Naming help
  37. do all muslims hate England?
  38. Do you ever realize yourself thinking about death and what's after?
  39. Freedom of speech and the Bible
  40. Good or bad karma
  41. Practicing Buddhism
  42. How does different religions interpret the lord's prayer?
  43. How to Lead a non-christian to Jesus
  44. Would you rather die now or live forever ?
  45. Has anyone ever seen the movie, "Zeitgeist"?
  46. How can I find out what these markings mean?
  47. God is love?
  48. what do you people think of Islam???
  49. How can I hold my relationship together and find my faith?
  50. Atheist Symbol?
  51. Has anyone ever seen a ghost?
  52. Why do you believe in God?
  53. What happens when you die?
  54. Tattoos a sin?
  55. Read New Coin
  56. I think I might have a demon in me
  57. What's the difference between Baptist and Jehovah's Witness?
  58. What do buddist believe in?
  59. Suggestion for religious answers
  60. Do You Give In To Pascal's Wager?
  61. Things gone missing...
  62. Parting of the Red Sea, True or False
  63. Can anybody tell me anything about sensing?
  64. Why do people hate the jonas brothers because they are christians?
  65. Where do you assemble with the saints on the first day of the week?
  66. What is the purpose of this ?
  67. Kid who doesnt believe in god
  68. Italy's favourite Saint
  69. bloody mary
  70. The 1800's and Missionaries
  71. Peter...
  72. God or science
  73. How anyone can call themselves Christian yet support war?
  74. What is a mortal sin ?
  75. Should there only be one religion?
  76. Are we all related?
  77. Adam and Eve question
  78. Why jump down people's throats if they don't believe in god?
  79. Why don't some people believe in God and Jesus?
  80. National Guard and my religion
  81. How do I tell them I dont want Confirmed ?
  82. Cuss words
  83. You believe in god, but not aliens?
  84. Can anyone else see or feel spirits
  85. Why should I respect your religion?
  86. Do you feel as though watching porn is a sin?
  87. In training spirtual guide that needs some guidence
  88. What is a scientologist?
  89. Do you know any sites talking about God ?
  90. What is an atheist
  91. what do you personally think the meaning of life is?
  92. Do you all have a spiritual leader to look up too?
  93. Would playing poker be a sin?
  94. How are christians supposed to be on internet?
  95. Men who go to church
  96. whats the best way to raise power?
  97. does god care?
  98. Your reaction to agnosticism/atheism is...?
  99. What's with religion
  100. Can you believe in evolution *AND* Godzilla?