why are we living? and why do people believe in god?

why do people and animals live in the world? and why do people believe in god? I dont believe in god like one time my teacher asked people in my class why do we believe in god I said “I dont believe in god but a lot of people believe in god because than need to believe in something”

Answer #1

I dont beleive in religion either the point of life however is to reproduce to carry on the survival of your species what does survive, evoilves and adapts to its surrounding and changing enviroment we live here because we can we can breath in this atmosphere, we can survive on this planet with water, and food we couldnt live on most other planets, but other things can we live here, because we can survive here other living things live on other planets because thats were they can survive weather or not you beleive in god, it has nothing to do with evolution, and actual survival…nothing at all what you do WITH your life is your own decision and blondie240 is one of the most arrogant, simple minded religious people I’ve seen on this site

Answer #2

no… its faith.

Answer #3

and the reason I believe in God is because I KNOW he’s here…

Welcome back. But your statement is going against God, and what it means to be Christian…

Answer #4

Just live. Don’t concern yourself with matters like why we are here and what are “purpose” is. I don’t believe we have a purpose. Just to make other people feel safe and happy.

Answer #5

I’m not religious but the “why are we living part”… I believe we were all put on this planet for a purpose, and one day we all figure that purpose out. For some people it takes a long time, others it doesn’t.

Answer #6

I agree with Steph. I don’t think people believe in God because they need something to believe in I think they believe in God because that’s what they think is true.

Answer #7

“thats called selfishness, im not sayin that I dont thank others who gives us money or helps me, I thank them too (duh) and I also thank God for them, and thank him for letting them bring to us, you can pray and ask God to help and provide, and he provides by others helping you”

I’m still at a loss as to where God is involved in all this. How can he cause people to give or lend you money without compromising the precious free will that he apparrently goes to such lengths to preserve? If he’s altering anyone’s behaviour, they no longer have free will in that respect. If he’s not altering anyone’s behaviour, what exactly is he doing?

Answer #8

“What I think lish54 means (if im wrong I apologise) Is that when there isnt enough money to pay for unexpected bills or the groceries, some how some way she finds the money to do this, whether it be family lending it, money coming in from somewere else doesnt matter were it comes from she believes that God has sent it. through someone else.”

I realise that. But if the money isn’t actually coming direct from God, isn’t it a bit unfair to credit it to him, rather than being grateful to the entirely mundane cause? I know I’d be a bit offended if I lent you money and you responded by thanking god for directing me to you.

Answer #9

since you dont helieve in God this doesn concern you

…I noticed you couldn’t disagree with me… doesn’t concern me? Okay, since you don’t believe in God PROPERLY, then it doesn’t concern YOU either.

…and when did I EVER say that God doesn’t exist? Hmmm?

he has brought my friendf rom a cusser and low down, piece of nothing

Glad to know you speak so highly of your friends… how judgemental…

I was little I had bad kidney infectons and it was going to be a serious thing

Yeah, me too… but God DIDN’T touch me, and it STILL went away…

Answer #10

Asking why we’re here is a somewhat circular argument - if you weren’t here, you wouldn’t be asking the question. As to how things came to be, the answer is some combination of the big bang, the development of the universe, and evolution. It’s a coincidence (though a pleasant one) that creatures that call themselves “humans” are one of the products of all that.

“I’m not religious but the “why are we living part”… I believe we were all put on this planet for a purpose”

That’s a religious view.

Answer #11

blondie240’s answer is one of the reasons I am thrilled to no longer be a part of organized religion, or associated with Christianity in any way.

Anyway, people believe in gods for all kinds of reasons. As previously mentioned, some people believe in god because of a need to find purpose and meaning in life. Other people believe in god because they grew up holding that belief, and they see no reason to doubt or question it. Most people simply can’t accept that gods and deities were invented by humans to ensure certain types of behavior, and that there is really no grand purpose, meaning, or scheme behind life; it is what it is.

Answer #12

Call “it” whatever you want…God, Allah, Yawweh, Mother Nature, Rover…what’s in a name? It would be arrogant to think that “we”, “me”, “I”, as the masters of anything more than our own personal universe (if that)…Acknowledging that there is a power(s) greater than ourselves, keeps us humble yet strong, in the face of life’s challenges, and able to cope when things that seem out of control. For some…that power is called God…


Answer #13

well where else owuld we live? here is as good a place as any. you’re right. I dont know if I believe in him either. I do believe there is something bigger then just us in life but it doesn’t mean it’s god. people just want something to believe in. they want a reason for living, a reason for why they suffer. they want to believe that there is more then just dying that after we die we dont just rot in the ground.

Answer #14

I believe we’re living to accomplish a higher purpose than ourselves - I don’t believe in God because ‘I need to believe in something’ - I believe because I recognized, like all of mankind I was born into sin and needed Jesus - this is what I know to be true: God being pure cannot even look upon sin - man, even in his very best state is a sinner - on judgement day, either: your sins are covered by the blood-shed sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross (salvation and only salvation - being a nice person isn’t good enough - even at our very best, we are but filthy rags), and remembered no more or they are not (your sins are not covered) - where God’s great love comes into play is, He provided a WAY (Jesus) for us not to perish and live in Heaven with Him (He certainly didn’t have to do this but did because He loved us so) - if you read carefully John 3:16, this is exactly what it says - each person will either accept or reject, you must decide for yourself and yes, it’s so important, it has eternal consequences - He Loves you and wants you to accept God’s free gift to man - Jesus - ‘if you are a truth seeker, then you will find Jesus’…Take care !!

Answer #15

since you dont helieve in God this doesn concern you, but we are here to spread God’s word and to live for him and draw others unto him. and God is supposed to be capatilize, its a name…anyways, I believe in God b/c he has came into my life and turn me around and blesses me everyday, he has answered prayers bout my dad, and we found the right medicine for him, when we wonder how we going to make it through the week b/c of money, God provides us a way to pay al bills and still buy groceries for the week, I have seen people who I have prayed for come and be saved and athiest has came to our church and gave their life to God, he has brought my friendf rom a cusser and low down, piece of nothing to a guy who has gained everythig back and more and now a preacher (he’s only 21) he has healed people that has been sick, includin me, when I was little I had bad kidney infectons and it was going to be a serious thing but God touched me and it went away, is that a good enough answer for you, I dont believe in him b/c I need something to believe in, thats ignorant to say, you need to think bout it and see how your life can be changed and be so much better and experience God, it isn hard to do and it will be the best thing that you can do for yourself…time is running short and it wont be long til he returns…is he going to tell you sorry I never knew you…or welcome you into the kingdom of heaven?? your choice peace for everlasting, or torment in hell?? its your choice, so dont blame God for whatever you choose

Answer #16

captainassassin and arachnid, you are both twisting what lish54 is saying.

*when we wonder how we going to make it through the week b/c of money, God provides us a way to pay al bills and still buy groceries for the week”

Really? He personally gave you the money? Or do you just credit it to God despite there being a far more mundane source deserving of your gratitude?*

What I think lish54 means (if im wrong I apologise) Is that when there isnt enough money to pay for unexpected bills or the groceries, some how some way she finds the money to do this, whether it be family lending it, money coming in from somewere else doesnt matter were it comes from she believes that God has sent it. through someone else.

*he has brought my friendf rom a cusser and low down, piece of nothing

Glad to know you speak so highly of your friends… how judgemental… *

Maybe thats the way her friend refered to his oldself. Yes its wrong to judge, but you cant tell me that you have never judge someone, so dont be hipacritical.

*I was little I had bad kidney infectons and it was going to be a serious thing

Yeah, me too… but God DIDN’T touch me, and it STILL went away…*

She is allowed to believe that God healed her if she wants too. Its not for me or you to judge what she believes.

I have come to see that people who dont believe in God, get some sort of kick in life making fun of those who do. Thats totally fine, if it makes you feel better belittling people who have faith in God thats you on problem, its ok to question peoples beliefs, just dont twist what they are saying to mean something totally different.

Answer #17

dont worry bout it xchurdlex, they dont care to insult us, so just speak your mind, and thanks, you knew what I was saying…and my friend did admit to that, im just repeating what he said…and what does it matter to you how I say it, youre not my friend, nor his, so what does it matter to you, and as she said, God works through people, to help others, he provides ways for things to get done…

“I know I’d be a bit offended if I lent you money and you responded by thanking god for directing me to you.”

thats called selfishness, im not sayin that I dont thank others who gives us money or helps me, I thank them too (duh) and I also thank God for them, and thank him for letting them bring to us, you can pray and ask God to help and provide, and he provides by others helping you and sometimes we come up wit money out of no where, its called God blessing us…and like she said, dont go twisting my words around, take what I SAY NOT what YOU WANT ME TO SAY

Answer #18

As imperfect humans, how can we hope to understand how god works or thinks? I don’t know about you but I wouldn’t be arguing with or questioning the creator of the universe. It just doesn’t seem smart.

Answer #19

you must be stupid for not beliving in god go find a church before you burn in hell

Ah, such incompetence…

Answer #20

* you must be stupid for not beliving in god

  1. “beliving” is not a word.
  2. “god” should be capitalized.
  3. Sentences should start capitalized, and end in a period.

…care to explain to any of us why we should give serious consideration to your assessment of stupidity?

Answer #21

* why do people and animals live in the world?

The question presumes something/someone greater than people and animals that created them for some grand purpose. If you don’t believe in gods, then why would you even ask a question that basically presupposes a god?

Answer #22

blondie240 I’m also a christian but I don’t think people appreciate what your saying.

don’t force christianity on people… that’s why so many people reject it. because there are so many “christians” out there who practically just rub it in there face. no one wants that. you’re actually pushing them away from God rather than bringing them to him. Don’t call people who aren’t christians stupid… Because they’re not… They just need to get to know God.

and the reason I believe in God is because I KNOW he’s here… I honestly don’t know how to explain it. He’s so real to me… That’s the only way I can put it.

Answer #23

“God is supposed to be capatilize, its a name…anyways”

Actually, it’s a title - “God” isn’t his name.

“when we wonder how we going to make it through the week b/c of money, God provides us a way to pay al bills and still buy groceries for the week”

Really? He personally gave you the money? Or do you just credit it to God despite there being a far more mundane source deserving of your gratitude?

Answer #24

I don’t see why God gets any thanks at all. Saying he “brought me to you” implies that I have no free will of my own, and that if it weren’t for God’s intervention, I wouldn’t be doing it.

Answer #25

Ok I can see that this is going to get messy so im just going to stop now. I dont want to be accused of forcing my beliefs on anyone.

Answer #26

I realise that. But if the money isn’t actually coming direct from God, isn’t it a bit unfair to credit it to him, rather than being grateful to the entirely mundane cause? I know I’d be a bit offended if I lent you money and you responded by thanking god for directing me to you.

I realise that too yes by all means thank the person that LENT you the money but thank God for BRINGING that person to you. Two very different reason to be thanking each. Thats what I think, but you are totally in your rite not to agree with me. im not asking you to see things my way or anything.

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