Religion problems

Well, I’ve been an atheist almost my whole life now, which isn’t very long, but I have my heart set on no religion, and I am truly happy and satisfied with my choice. My mother knows I am an atheist, and she is a christian, and not to be rude but sort of a scary one! She will start screaming at me telling me she didn’t raise me to become an atheist “like my father”. Well guess what, my father may be an atheist but he did nothing to prove to me there was no god. I just knew it myself, and so I chose to not believe in anything at all. I am sick of people always fighting over religion, to me it is like fantasy, or a dream nothing that can come true. Anyways, I accept and am respectful to christians and all other peoples religions. I don’t think differently of my mother because she is a christian, I am actually happy for her that she has something to look forward to and believe in, but I am different and she doesn’t see that it’s alright to not always be the same as other people. Why should she automatically think that because I am an atheist I am going to hell? Why should she think differently of me because I don’t believe what she does? It just hurts me that she doesn’t accept me, and I will not change myself for her or anyone. How can I make her see that even though I’m not christian I’m just like her..

Answer #1

…makes sense.

Answer #2

Some organized religions believe that if you don’t “believe” in God, or don’t accept Jesus into your heart as your savior, that you are hell-bound…blah blah, blah…I certainly can understand how this can slam the door to ever wanting to explore any type of theology in the future. Even I find that thinking arrogant. There are many, MANY religions “out there” that do not believe this…

I hear so many 14 thru 18 year olds on here, who say they are athiests, I keep wondering if it’s just the “thing” to be…without exploration, without research, without walking thru this world a bit…how can one come to this conclusion? Not saying that a person might not come to this same conclusion down the road. However, when a person closes their mind to something, they are slamming a door that, with time, cannot open…pride and complacancy won’t allow it…

The mind is like a parachute, it works better when it’s open…


Answer #3

“I hear so many 14 thru 18 year olds on here, who say they are athiests, I keep wondering if it’s just the “thing” to be…without exploration, without research, without walking thru this world a bit…how can one come to this conclusion?”

I actually agree with you that atheism is “trendy” among many younger people. Organized religion is part of the establishment, and what better way to buck the establishment and be your “own person” than to declare yourself an atheist, especially if all your friends are doing it too? Better still if one is rebelling against one’s family and that family happens to be religious. It’s certainly different than those of us who abandoned organized religion only after many years of research, thought, and struggle.

But, the same is true for highly religious teenagers. Many are raised with these beliefs, and they have never been taught or encouraged to question them,and seek their own answers. Still they seem so sure of their faith, even though it’s never been tested.

When a person reaches his or her teenage years, parents should not be stifling attempts to branch out and learn new things. If atheism is “just a phase” then so be it. But allow the children to test their beliefs and at least see if they hold up against that scrutiny.

Answer #4

I have been dating a women for 3 years now thats a preachers daughter. she is apostolic. Anyways,I was born in the catholic religion although I was baptised again by my girlfriends father.I am not really a religious person. I do believe in spirituality. Your question is very hard to answer, I no your grief all to well.I can say people are afraid to die and go to hell. I guess its a better safe then sorry thing. I have had to learn that its not really important whos right or wrong.we could all be wrong. sometimes when we love someone we try to swallow our pride to make them happy. I Have always felt I would rather live in awe of life then have my mind closed by belief. all I can really say is try to understand that when in rome do as the romans do is a wise choice sometimes. You can keep your true feelings covered up. Try to be compassionate. Moms don’t live forever. I have the struggle everyday with my girlfriend and there is nothing I can do to change her. I just had to be the bigger person and treat it with kid gloves. People are afraid to not believe. Everyone should believe there is something magical or god like to this life we live. look around its all really a miricle. Open your heart and just believe that much and you will probably feel at least alittle of the so called power of god. I myself am still trying to make sence of it all, although we will never no untill we die. I love my crazy jesus loving girlfriend so I just substituted the fact that I believe there is something to calling it god. religion and mortality are scary issues when we get older. when we start realising one day we will die. Not sure if I helped, although I can relate to how you feel.

Answer #5

I am sorry, but, if your mother is Christian, and you are not, then, you are not just like your mother.

This is strong, but, true,

The reason she is so upset, is because she loves you, and wants so much for you to be saved.

An unsaved person… can not possibly understand what that feels like.

It is a burden that a Christian has to bear.

To know that they have salvation, and the ones they love the most, do not.

This is a very heavy thing to have to bear, but, multitudes have to do just that, and there is nothing they can do about it, until that loved one, comes to an awakening.

When a loved one gets saved, it is the happiest day in a Christians life, apart from the day that they got saved.

I would be interested to know, if your mother got saved …after she married your dad?

If she married him, knowing he was not a believer, she brought this heartache on herself.

If not, she will just have to trust God, to bring her loved ones in. Getting upset.. will do nothing but drive you further away, but, in her frustration, she doesen’t even realize that is what she is doing.

Try to love her and forgive her for her mistakes, she is doing it out of a mothers love, and concern for her children, and her husband.

Answer #6

phrannie: Really? Here’s a study that showed no effect:

“No direct intervention effect on the primary outcomes was found. A marginally significant reduction in the amount of pain was observed in the intervention group compared to controls. […] Prayer intervention appeared to effectively reduce the subject’s level of concern only if the subject initially believed that the problem could be resolved.”

And another:

“Subjects who expected to receive intercessory prayer reported feeling significantly better than did those who expected to receive positive visualization (F1.93 = 5.42; P less than .02). No other statistically significant main effects or interactions were found for either expectancy, intercessory prayer, or positive visualization on the remaining dependent measures. Analysis of effect sizes on all dependent measures failed to indicate even a small magnitude of effect for intercessory prayer as contrasted with expectancy on the medical or psychological variables.”

And yet another, much larger one: “In the 2 groups uncertain about receiving intercessory prayer, complications occurred in 52% of patients who received intercessory prayer versus 51% of those who did not. Complications occurred in 59% of patients certain of receiving intercessory prayer compared with the 52% of those uncertain of receiving intercessory prayer.”

Yes, that’s right, those that were prayed for but didn’t know it ended up worse off! And no, I’m not claiming that as evidence of a malevolent god - studies will occasionally show effects that seem to be (marginally) statistically significant, but are down to coincidence. Or there may be confounding factors.

And yes, there are a few studies that show extremely marginal positive effects - and they can be dismissed for the same reason one can dismiss the negative effects in the study above. Even if we did treat them as accurate, the effects are so marginal that it seems like god must do very little to help these people. Perhaps the time of the people praying would be better spent at the side of the patients, offering support and companionship.

So that’s what I’ve got showing no effectiveness of prayer. What’ve you got?

Answer #7

373733773737373 - what would Jesus say about praying for something like that. Shame on you. You obviously havent read anything he said about peace and love and not judging people

Answer #8

Why should she automatically think that because I am an atheist I am going to hell?

She’s just old-fashioned. Part of being old-fashioned, is often to misunderstand, and misrepresent what it means to be Christian.

Answer #9

People aren’t atheists because it’s trendy, they are atheists because it’s logical and because religion is well full of crap.

On one hand, you are right…some people actually have a curiosity…so they researched, studied, live longer than 20 years (something they could not stop)…and came to that conclusion that there is no God…More power to them…

For others…its just somthing to be…

I was here 40 years ago, and a teenager…and I’m here now…the landscape of “teenhood” hasn’t changed much.


Answer #10

Yes, a lot of young people these days are not religious, get over it.

I don’t give a diddley if people are religious or not… You must be another one of those quasi-speed readers who miss the point.

arachnid…It’s a proven fact that praying DOES help people…that doesn’t say God exists…maybe it points more to the “power of the mind”…none the less…it’s a fact.


Answer #11

@phrannie -

Yes, a lot of young people these days are not religious, get over it. Maybe it’s because of all the murder and suffering that goes on, wouldn’t “god” be doing something to stop it? I’m not religious because I simply don’t want to be apart of it. I believe in no such thing, to me it’s just fantasy. I’m an atheist, thats my conclusion, and it will never change.

Answer #12

It’s not a religion. It’s a lack of belief.

…in deities.

ill pray for you and something to happen that would leave you so broken and humbled that you might change your mind

That’s a sick thing to be praying for… that’s similar to damning or cursing someone… how shameful…

I just want to tell you without that relationship I would be dead

Some people aren’t that weak-minded… they don’t need religion to live.

Answer #13

Hm.. thanks everyone.. Don’t worry 373737..ect.. my life is already not very great as it is. But believe me.. no god is going to save anyone from anything, and that is the truth.

I didn’t ask for religious people to wish me bad luck or whatever the hell you just said, I asked for help, so please stay on topic thank you.

And yes- I have no belief whatsoever. I don’t believe in god, heaven, or hell. Get that through your head?

Answer #14

“ill pray for you and something to happen that would leave you so broken and humbled that you might change your mind”

Wow. Charming. If it weren’t for the fact that prayer doesn’t do anything, I might be worried. As it is, it’s still a pretty repulsive thing to wish on someone.

“Atheism- a religion explaining that there are no religions its wiered if you ask me”

It’s not a religion. It’s a lack of belief.

Answer #15

agreed with religionisgood, on both answers really & there might be a flaw with that toadaly, some mothers might react by saying, “oh, so you’re rellyingin me to lifyt you to salvation?” or something like that. BUt hey, try it, you never know. It could be worse(believe me, it could be worse, I had a friend whose mother despised her & treated her like a slave & made her live in a walk in closet because she didn’t believe the bible) Best of luck.

Answer #16

ill pray for you and something to happen that would leave you so broken and humbled that you might change your mind because I know my sis and my dad are going through the same thing Atheism- a religion explaining that there are no religions its wiered if you ask me

solution not religion but relationship with Jesus christ the one true God that humbled himself to come and dye a humin death on the cross for our sins I just want to tell you without that relationship I would be dead

Answer #17

“Why should she automatically think that because I am an atheist I am going to hell? Why should she think differently of me because I don’t believe what she does?”

Being “taught” something, and believing it come hell or highwater, is a safe place for those who do not wish to explore on their own…she is suffering the same closed mind, as some are on the other end of the spectrum…The only person you can change in life, is yourself…accepting her for who she is (giving her what you want from her), might be exactly what will put a crack in her thinking…

You cannot keep, what you cannot give away…give her exactly what you want for yourself…acceptance…that doesn’t mean you have think the same, just accept that “this” is how she is.


Answer #18

* Why should she automatically think that because I am an atheist I am going to hell?

…because that’s what Christianity teaches. Sadly, if your mother believes such nonsense, there’s probably not much you can do to change her mind. However, you might inject another bit of false hope that counteracts her current false beliefs. Read to her 1 Corinthian 7:14,

“for the unbelieving husband hath been sanctified in the wife”, and explain that it means that really only 1 family member has to believe, and all are saved. It’s a pleasing lie she’s likely to accept.

Answer #19

“I agree. I find ignorant atheists almost as disappointing as ignorant theists. I’d far rather people hold an opinion they can back up with rational argument than have one just because everyone else is doing it. It can be quite painful seeing other atheists attempting to defend their position when it’s abundantly clear they don’t properly understand the issues themselves.”

Precisesly…I’m not leaving out the “Jesus or Hell” folks here, either…tho, it looks like you understood my premise…being skeptic…and having a closed mind, are NOT the same thing…there’s always room to change one’s mind…given the right evidence.


Answer #20

“Why should she automatically think that because I am an atheist I am going to hell? Why should she think differently of me because I don’t believe what she does?”

Because it was what she was taught… And she was also taught never to question why… To continue a religion for thousands of years you cant have people questioning you… especially when you dont have all the answers…

Answer #21

I agree. I find ignorant atheists almost as disappointing as ignorant theists. I’d far rather people hold an opinion they can back up with rational argument than have one just because everyone else is doing it. It can be quite painful seeing other atheists attempting to defend their position when it’s abundantly clear they don’t properly understand the issues themselves.

Though I think it’s fair to say this is because I’m first of all a rationalist and a skeptic - my atheism is merely a side-effect. ;)

Answer #22

Your mother’s religion does not allow her to accept your views. But for now, since you’re still living under her roof, I would avoid the topic of religion as much as possible. I know that will be difficult, and sometimes you won’t be able to do it. But it could be years before your mother comes to terms with your being an atheist, if she even does at all. All you can do is dodge religious discussions. Once you’re out of the house, that will obviously be much easier. If she brings up religion with you, just smile, nod, and do your best to give vague answers. I hate to sound pessimistic, but it’s very unlikely she will change her mind about your views, if she is the kind of Christian you’ve described.

Answer #23

We may or may not be living in the last days - looking at the evening news it appears it may very well be, we are - what you said scares me because if it is the last days, the Bible speaks, man’s hearts will ‘wax cold’ - once done, they cannot be saved - so it appears to be a very serious matter.

Answer #24

captainassassin: That seems to be the sensible conclusion, yes. :)

Answer #25

sorry to hear that about your mother. But you have to hold true to what you believe or dont believe.

Answer #26

So you’re saying prayer is like a placebo then… it all has to do with knowing or not knowing the prayer is being done, and the person’s state of mind. Or for the person actually performing the act of prayer, it could be viewed as ritualistic optimism…

Answer #27

“you have to hold true to what you believe or dont believe.”

No you don’t. That’s a recipe for ignorance. Question what you believe, and why. And if you figure out you’re wrong, good! Figure out what the correct answer is, and you’re better off than you were before.

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